Call for participation: ALPSWS 2007

2nd International Workshop on Applications of Logic Programming in the
   Web, Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services (ALPSWS2007)
        ***********PAPER DEADLINE APPROACHING**************
                       30 June, 2007

co-located with the International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP2007)
            Porto, Portugal, 13 September 2007.


The advent of the Semantic Web promises machine-readable semantics and
a machine-processable next generation of the Web. The first step in
this direction is the annotation of static data on the Web with
machine-processable information about knowledge and its structure, by
means of ontologies. The next step in this direction is the
annotation of dynamic applications and services invocable over the Web
in order to facilitate automation of discovery, selection and
composition of semantically described services and data sources on the
Web by intelligent methods, which are called (Semantic) Web Services.
In this workshop we want to advance the applications of Logic
Programming as a paradigm for declarative knowledge representation and
reasoning for the Web. The idea is to bring together the body of work
related to applications of LP to the Web, Semantic Web and Web

The workshop will include topics such as:

-Reasoning about Semantic Web languages such as RDF, RDFS, OWL, RuleML,
-Logic Programming based rule languages for the Semantic Web
-Deductive query answering in a Semantic Web context
-Ontology modeling and mediation using Logic Programming
-Reasoning over large-scale ontologies
-Reasoning with large instance data in the presence of ontologies
-Combinations of Logic Programming and Description Logics
-Modeling of and reasoning about Web Services
-Applications of reasoning about actions and dynamics in the context of
Web Services discovery and composition
-Interactions of Logic Programming with other technologies such as
agents, constraint programming, etc. in a (Semantic) Web context
-Applications, use cases, experimental results and benchmarks
-Extensions of Logic Programming engines for Semantic Web applications

Important Dates:

-13 September 2007, Workshop

Workshop Organization:

The workshop will include an invited talk by Enrico Pontelli.

Furthermore, the workshop will be organized in part around talks
presenting research
results in the intersection of the Semantic Web and Logic Programming
selected from the accepted submissions. Another important part of the
workshop will be to identify next steps and provide an opportunity for
new ideas and initiatives. A part of the workshop will be dedicated
towards discussion using the open-space methodology which facilitates
and enables effective on site agenda building and execution.

Organizing Committee:
Stijn Heymans, DERI, Leopold-Franzens Universitaet Innsbruck
Axel Polleres, DERI Galway, National University of Ireland, Galway
Edna Ruckhaus, Universidad Simon Bolivar, Caracas, Venezuela
David Pearce, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain

Program Committee:
Stefan Decker, DERI Galway
Jos de Bruijn, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Lukacsy Gergely, Budapest University of Technology and Economics
Gopal Gupta, University of Texas
Pascal Hitzler, AIFB, University of Karlsruhe
Giovambattista Ianni, University of Calabria
Zoe Lacroix, University of Arizona
Enrico Pontelli, New Mexico State University
Hans Tompits, Vienna University of Technology
Alejandro Vaisman, University of Toronto
Maria Esther Vidal, Universidad Simon Bolivar
Gerd Wagner, Brandenburg University of Technology

Received on Friday, 24 August 2007 13:22:43 UTC