Health Informatics advanced postdoctoral research position

The Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science Laboratory (LIACC) 
( offers one advanced postdoctoral research position 
in the field of Health Informatics.

Applicants should have at least 3 years of postdoctoral research experience in 
a relevant area. Candidates should have a high quality research record, 
know-how and research experience in any sub-area of Health Informatics, 
namely electronic patient records, clinical decision support systems, 
knowledge extraction methods in healthcare and security in healthcare 
information systems.

The contract offered will have duration of up to 5 years, renewed yearly based 
on mutual agreement. The annual gross income will be 3,038.06 Euros x 14 
months (approximately 55K USD). Taxes will be deduced according to the 
national law.

For more information, consult

By email to with the following information:
-        Identification of the candidate
-        Curriculum Vitae/resume
-        Three Letters of Reference
-        Research Plan

Departamento de Ciencia de Computadores
Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade do Porto

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2007 14:33:04 UTC