Re: question: complex role inclusion axioms

On 27 Sep 2006, at 17:01, davide wrote:

> I have recently been looking in the literature for DLs enabling role  
> hierarchies which include complex inclusion axioms such as, for  
> instance:
> R \bullet S \sqsubseteq Q (the composition of R and S is a sub-role of  
> Q).
> For DLs as expressive as Dynamic logic (or some relevant fragments)  
> this shouldn't be anything problematic since such axioms seem to be  
> translatable in  Dynamic logic. For instance:
> [Q]p \rightarrow [R][S]p
> Is this a correct intuition? Are there any references systematically  
> adressing the issue of complex role inclusions?
> Thanks a lot for your attention.

Check out [1] and [2]. You will see that while it is possible to  
support such axioms, some restrictions are needed if decidability is to  
be maintained. (Sorry for the self citations, but you did ask :-).) The  
OWL 1.1 proposal [3] extends OWL to include such axioms (amongst other  
added features). OWL 1.1 versions of Protege and FaCT++ are currently  
in beta, and will be demonstrated at the  OWL: Experiences and  
Directions workshop (at ISWC); I believe that other tools (e.g., Pellet  
and Swoop) will soon follow.


[1] Ian Horrocks and Ulrike Sattler. Decidability of SHIQ with complex  
role inclusion axioms. Artificial Intelligence, 160(1-2):79-104,  
December 2004. 

[2] Ian Horrocks, Oliver Kutz, and Ulrike Sattler. The even more  
irresistible SROIQ. In Proc. of the 10th Int. Conf. on Principles of  
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR 2006), pages 57-67. AAAI  
Press, 2006. 


> Davide
> -- 
> ===============================================
> Davide Grossi
> Intelligent Systems Group
> Institute of Information and Computing Sciences
> Universiteit Utrecht
> phone : +31 - 30 - 253 4432
> fax   : +31 - 30 - 251 3791
> ===============================================

Received on Wednesday, 27 September 2006 21:11:12 UTC