SWAP 2006 CfP

3nd Italian Semantic Web Workshop
Pisa University,  Italy 19-20 December 2006



The Semantic Web is currently one of the most interesting and ambitious
challenges facing the scientific and technological community. While
great progresses have been made in terms of consolidation of base tools
and philosophy, new aspects and issues are emerging as Semantic Web
tools seek to find their way into actual real world deployment.

In first place, it seems likely that there will not be a single flavor
of Semantic Web but rather several scenarios. This to respond to
different needs such as those ranging from world wide Database and
service integration to social cooperative annotations.

Then, to explain and reproduce the clear success of many Web 1.x-2.0
social networking and cooperation phenomena, there is the need for
research in the ares which embrace and mix very diverse topics.

To evoke the so much needed "web effect" on the use of Semantic Web
technology, it seems more and more likely that classic disciplines such
as Artificial Intelligence, Databases, Data Mining, Knowledge extraction
and Distributed Computing are to be mixed in real world Semantic Web
Applications with others such as Usability, Human Machine interaction,
possibly all the way to Economics, in broad sense, and Social Sciences.

This two-day workshop aims at creating the possibility for a meeting and
a debate among Italian and international researchers on Semantic Web,
with a special focus on aspects which might enable wide scale use of
Semantic Web technologies.


The workshop aims at being an occasion to meet for Italian researchers,
developers and interested people. However, contributions and
participants from other countries are invited and very welcome.


The workshop will cover theoretical, practical and implementational
issues on Semantic Web. The following is a partial list of topics of

* Semantic Web for e-business, e-science, e-government, and e-learning
* Languages, tools and methodologies for representing and managing
Semantic Web data
* Robust and scalable knowledge management and reasoning on the Web
* Ontology creation, extraction, and evolution
* Ontology mapping, merging, and alignment
* Semantic Web middleware
* Machine learning and human language technologies for the Semantic Web
* Social networks based on Semantic Web technologies
* Semantic Web services
* Tools and Methodologies for Semantic Web Agents
* Semantic Web Trust, Privacy, Security and Intellectual Property Rights
* Semantic web technology for collaboration and cooperation
* Semantic multimedia
* Semantics in P2P systems and grids
* Searching, querying, visualizing and interpreting the Semantic Web
* Evaluation of semantic Web techniques
* Languages, Tools and Methodologies for Semantic Web Data
* Large Scale Knowledge Management
* Data Semantics
* Knowledge Portals
* Semantic Brokering
* Semantic coordination, integration, matching and interoperability
* Semantic Web Mining
* Semantic Information Retrieval
* Visualization and Modelling
* Semantic Web Personalization
* Systems of collaborative annotation
* Systems of annotation extraction
* Applications of Semantic Web technologies
* Social aspects of distributed cooperative annotation
* Presentation and discussions of application scenarios


We encourage submissions from researchers and practitioners in academia,
industry, government, and consulting. Accepted formats are Postscript
and PDF. Abstracts must be submitted electronically at the conference

Accepted contributions will be published online in a volume of the CEUR
workshop proceedings, a publication series by Deutsche Bibliothek, ISSN
1613-0073. Authors of accepted contributions will be able to express
preference for
an oral or poster presentation.

Papers must be formatted according to the IEEE Computer Society Press
Proceedings Guidelines (see instructions on

The maximum length of a paper for SWAP is 8 pages.


16  October 2006        Paper submission
15 November 2006        Acceptance/rejection notification
1 December 2006        Camera-ready
19-20 December 2006     SWAP-2006


Thanks to the support from W3C Italy and the other sponsors, SWAP
features a registration fee of only 50 euro for the 2 day event.

The event will take place at the Pisa University.

The online registration form will be available at
the following URL:



Official languages are English and Italian. However, abstracts, slides
and contributions must be in English.


[Conference Chair]
Giovanni Tummarello, Universita` Politecnica delle Marche

[Programme Co-Chairs]
Oreste Signore, W3C Office in Italy/CNR
Paolo Bouquet, University of Trento


Danny Ayers        - Independent
Zavisa Bjelogrlic    - @Semantics
Dan Brickley        - SkyPixel
Jeen Broekstra        - Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Silvana Castano        - University of Milano
Aldo Gangemi        - LOA-CNR
Roberto García González    - Universitat de Lleida
Fausto Giunchiglia    - University of Trento
Nicola Guarino        - ISTC-CNR
Pascal Hitzler        - University of Karlsruhe
Massimo Marchiori    - University of Padova
Stefano Mazzocchi    - MIT
Christian Morbidoni    - Universita' Politecnica delle Marche
Daniel Olmedilla    - L3S Reseach Center and Hanover University
Paolo Puliti        - Universita' Politecnica delle Marche
Paolo Romano        - National cancer Research Institute of Genoa, IST
Giovanni Semeraro    - University of Bari
Luciano Serafini    - IRST-ITC
Maria Simi        - University of Pisa
Steffen Staab        - University Koblenz
Heiko Stoermer        - University of Trento
Umberto Straccia    - ISTI-CNR
Sergio Tessaris        - Free University of Bozen - Bolzano
Elias Torres        - IBM Advanced Internet Technologies


Oreste Signore, W3C Office in Italy/CNR


Email: g.tummarello@gmail.com
Phone: +39-071-2204841

Received on Thursday, 14 September 2006 17:06:42 UTC