- From: Bartolini, Claudio <claudio.bartolini@hp.com>
- Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 17:52:39 -0500
- To: <coala-org@itee.uq.edu.au>
Apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message ------------------------------------------------------------------- International Journal of Electronic Commerce - the #1-ranked journal in Electronic Commerce - http://www.gvsu.edu/business/ijec/ CALL FOR PAPERS The cross-jurisdictional, inter-organisational, and collaborative nature of business today requires that organisations have a more transparent view of data, information and processes of their partners. Considering that contracts are a key governing mechanism in defining interactions and the policy framework for cross-domain business collaborations, this requires almost instant access to a more reliable and accurate view of the business contract data, including static contract definitions and real-time contract execution data. In spite of this, contracts are still treated mostly as legal documents disconnected from other enterprise systems and there is currently inadequate e-business support for using contract information to manage cross-organisational interactions. In addition, current support for the management of contracts themselves has an inward focus, namely on internal enterprise data and processes. The cross-organisational interactions increasingly demand an outward-facing perspective on enterprise contract management. SCOPE The International Journal of Electronic Commerce is the #1-ranked journal on Electronic Commerce. This Special Issue will provide a significant opportunity for authors to publish novel and original contributions in the area of Contract Architectures and Languages. The guest editors seek papers and proposals that address various aspects of contracts, including enterprise modelling, e-business, formal and legal issues with the aim of providing a balanced mix of presentations from these different perspectives. TOPICS Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Enterprise contract architectures - Contracts as a basis for coordination of cross-organisational interactions - Contracts from a system-theoretic point of view - Formalisms for expressing contracts - Contract description languages - Contract negotiation and validation - Run-time contract monitoring and enforcement - Standardisation activities for e-contracts (e.g. legalXML OASIS and UN/CEFACT): status and directions - The use of model-driven techniques and tools - Legal issues associated with electronic contracts - Tools for drafting and constructing contracts - Integration of contract management systems with other enterprise systems, e.g. payment systems and ERP systems - Contract management requirements for specific contracts, e.g. SLAs, construction, financial and e-government contracts - Trust and contract management issues - Use and applicability of existing standards/initiatives (e.g. Web Services, WS-Agreement, BPEL4WS, WS-CDL, RuleML etc) - Links between contracts, business processes and business services - Practical experience with contract management systems - Role of electronic contracts in IT governance - Supply chain and e-contracts - Relationship of electronic and legal enforcement mechanisms SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Manuscripts submitted to the special issue should contain original material not published in nor submitted to other journals. Submissions should be sent via e-mail to Guido Governatori <mailto:guido@itee.uq.edu.au> in PDF format, and should not exceed 30 pages - A4 paper in 12 point type with a maximum of 38 lines per page and 75 characters per line (corresponding to LaTeX article style, 12 pt). IMPORTANT DATES Submission deadline: January 31th , 2007 Notification of Acceptance: March 15th, 2007 Revised manuscript due: May 15th, 2007 Final manuscripts due: July 5th , 2007 GUEST EDITORS Claudio Bartolini HP Labs, USA Guido Governatori The University of Queensland, Australia Zoran Milosevic Deontik, Australia
Received on Friday, 13 October 2006 22:53:13 UTC