Classical Logic and Computation: second call for papers

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                       Second Call for Papers

                       International Workshop
                  Classical Logic and Computation

Associated to: ICALP 2006, S. Servolo, Venice - Italy
July 15, 2006

CL&C'06 is the first of a new conference series on "Classical Logic
and Computation". It intends to cover all work aiming to propose a
programming language inspired by classical logic, and a semantics for

The fact that classical mathematical proofs of simply existential
statements can be read as programs was established by Godel and
Kreisel some 50 years ago.  But the possibility of programming using
a style inspired by Classical Logic (much as functional programming is
inspired by Intuitionistic Logic) was taken seriously only after the
seminal work of Griffin about typing continuations.

There are today two main lines of research.  The first studies some
(version of lambda) calculus adapted to represent classical logic,
like the symmetric mu-calculs, or the X-calculus.  The second studies
semantics for programs inspired by classical proofs, like game
semantic or learning algorithms.  These two directions are often
independent. This workshop aims to start a fruitful exchange of ideas
in the field.

CL&C'06 is part of ICALP 2006.


This is intended to be an informal workshop. Participants are
encouraged to present work in progress, overviews of more extensive
work, and programmatic/position papers, as well as completed
projects.  We therefore ask for submission both of short abstracts
outlining what will be presented at the workshop and of longer papers
describing completed work, either published or unpublished, in the
following areas:

        - types for calculi with continuations
        - design of programming languages inspired by classical logic,
        - witness extraction from classical proofs,
        - constructive semantics for classical logic (e.g. game
        - case studies (for any of the previous points)

In order to make a submission:

        - Format your file in PS or PDF using the Springer LNCS
          Proceedings format (
          /frontpage/0,11855,5-164-2-72376-0,00.html); we suggest a 20
          page limit.
        - Use the submission links from

Submissions will be refereed at normal standards.  A participants'
proceedings will be distributed at the workshop.  A special issue of
APAL associated with the workshop is being considered; this will be
discussed at the workshop.

Important dates:

        - Deadline for submission: April, 1.
        - Notification of acceptance: May, 15.
        - Final version due: June, 1.
        - Workshop dates: EITHER July 9 OR 15 OR 16.

Programme committee:

        - Steffen van Bakel (Imperial College London): co-chair
        - Stefano Berardi (Turin): co-chair
        - Ulrich Berger (Swansea)
        - Theirry Coquand (Chalmers)
        - Pierre-Louis Curien (Paris VII)
        - Roy Dyckhoff (St Andrews)
        - Herman Geuvers (Nijmegen)
        - Hugo Herbelin (Inria)
        - Luke Ong (Oxford)
        - Michel Parigot (Paris VII)
        - Helmut Schwichtenberg (Muenchen)
        - Philip Wadler (Edinburgh)

Steffen van Bakel 
	Department of Computing, 
	Imperial College London, 
	180 Queen's Gate,  
	London SW7 2BZ,  
	tel:   + 44 20 7594 8263 
	fax:   + 44 20 7581 8024 
	email: svb @ 
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Received on Wednesday, 22 March 2006 20:36:33 UTC