Call for Papers: Preferences and their Applications in Logic Programming Systems

Call For Papers
International Workshop on
Preferences and Their Applications in Logic Programming Systems
August 16, 2006

To be held in conjunction with
22nd International Conference on Logic Programming
Seattle, Washington

Workshop Description

   This workshop attempts to address all aspects of describing,
   modeling, computationally handling, and application of preferences,
   within the context of logic programming. In particular, we seek
   contributions that create cross-fertilization between different
   approaches to preferences and different flavors of logic programming
   (e.g., constraint logic programming, answer set programming) -- 
   leading to new, more general, approaches for handling preferences in
   logic programming.

   The workshop topics include, but are not limited to:
   - preferences in logic programming
   - preferences in answer set programming
   - preferences in logic-based planning
   - soft constraints
   - knowledge representation and reasoning with preferences
   - languages for preferences description
   - systems and experiences
   - applications of preferences

   The purpose of this workshop is to bring together researchers
   interested in modeling and implementing preferences in logic
   programming. The objective is to promote exchange of ideas and
   possible integration between the different approaches proposed
   so far.

Workshop Motivation

   The concept of preference has played an important role in various
   aspects of computer science. For example, preferences play a key
   role in the design of practical and efficient reasoning systems
   dealing with real-world knowledge.
   The concept of preference has been investigated by many researchers
   in different fields, both within Computer Science (e.g., Artificial
   Intelligence, Optimizations, Scheduling) and outside of Computer
   Science (e.g., Economics, Decision Theory).

   In recent years we have witnessed a growing interest in studying the
   integration of preferences in the context of logic-based and logic
   programming systems. These directions of research are of great
   importance, considering that preferences are considered a vital
   component of reasoning with real-world knowledge, and logic programming
   is one of the most widely used programming paradigms employed in
   knowledge representation and reasoning.

Workshop Format
   The workshop will emphasize  discussion and cross-fertilization, so
   presentations will be balanced with discussion time. In this direction,
   the workshop is seeking  high quality papers that address  cutting-edge
   research in this field,  and that can contribute to the discussion.
   The agenda  will include  paper presentations,  and possibly  an invited
   speaker. At least one author of each accepted submission  must attend the

Important Dates
    Submission Deadline:       May 15th, 2006 (strict)
    Notifications to Authors:  June 10th, 2006
    Final Version Deadline:    June 30th, 2006
    PREFS 2006 Workshop:       August 16th, 2006

Submission Guidelines
    Participants  should  submit a paper  (maximum 15 pages,  PDF
    format),  describing  their work  in topics  relevant  to the
    Accepted papers  will be presented  during the workshop.   At
    least one author  of an accepted contribution  is expected to
    register for the workshop, and present the paper.

    All  submissions   should   include   the  author's  name(s),
    affiliation, complete mailing address, and email address.

    Authors are requested to prepare their submissions, following
    the LNCS/LNAI Springer format. Please see:
    for further details.

    The submission  should be sent through the Easychair submission
    system, located at:


    The deadline for receipt of submissions is May 15, 2006.
    Papers received after this date may not be reviewed.
    Eligible  papers  will  be  peer-reviewed  by members of the
    Program Committee.
    Authors will be notified via email of the results by June 10th,
    2006.   Authors  of accepted papers  are expected  to improve
    their paper based on reviewers' comments and to send a camera
    ready version of their manuscripts by June 30, 2006.

    Accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings,
    which will be distributed to the participants.

    Questions about submissions may be directed to

Organizing Committee
   Enrico Pontelli     (New Mexico State University)
   Tran Cao Son	      (New Mexico State University)

Program Committee
   Marcello Balduccini (Texas Tech University)
   Gerhard Brewka      (University of Leipzig)
   Ulrich Junker       (ILOG)
   Enrico Pontelli     (New Mexico State University)
   Torsten Schaub      (University of Potsdam)
   Tran Cao Son        (New Mexico State University)
   Mirek Truszczynski  (University of Kentucky)

Contact Information
      Tran Cao Son and Enrico Pontelli
      New Mexico State University
      Department of Computer Science
      Box 30001, MSC CS
      Las Cruces, NM 88003, USA
      tson aT

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Computational Intelligence Group
Department of Computer Science
Clausthal University of Technology

Received on Thursday, 9 March 2006 22:36:31 UTC