CFP: 4th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC'06)


4th International Conference on Service-Oriented Computing (ICSOC'06)
Chicago, USA, December 4-7, 2006

Co-sponsored by ACM SIGWEB, ACM SIGSOFT, and GGF (confirmation pending)

Themes and Objectives

Service oriented computing is an emerging cross-disciplinary paradigm for
distributed computing that is changing the way software applications are
designed, architected, delivered and consumed. Services are autonomous,
platform-independent computational elements that can be described,
published, discovered, orchestrated and programmed using standard
protocols to build networks of collaborating applications distributed
within and across organizational boundaries.

The 4th International Conference of Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC'06)
follows on the success of three previous editions in Amsterdam, The
Netherlands (2005), New York City, USA (2004) and Trento, Italy (2003).
ICSOC is recognized as the main conference for service oriented computing
research, by covering the entire spectrum from theoretical and
foundational results to empirical evaluations as well as practical and
industrial experiences. ICSOC'06 proposes several innovations to achieve
this goal.

The ICSOC'06 Challenge: building new bridges to relevant communities and
fostering "cross-community" scientific excellence.

Service oriented computing brings together ideas and technologies from
different fields in an evolutionary manner to address research challenges
such as  service composition, discovery, integration, monitoring and
management of services, service quality and security, methodologies for
supporting service development, governances in their evolution, as well as
their overall life-cycle management. ICSOC'06 is strengthening the
linkages to two important communities, Software Engineering   and   Grid
Computing, with well known thought leaders from these communities serving
in important organizing roles such as general chairs in shaping the
conference.  For many years, Software Engineering has developed
methodologies and technologies for managing life-cycle of software
components: requirement analysis, development, discovery, version control,
testing and deployment.  These methodologies are now being adopted in
service life-cycle management.

Similarly, Grid Computing is a vibrant community addressing management of
infrastructural resources by using a set of "Grid Services" following the
principles of service oriented computing.  Many of these services are
being standardized in the Global Grid Forum (GGF). ICSOC'06 will serve as
a forum to exchange ideas and experiences with the Grid Community and the
SOA community at large in using service oriented computing.

Providing a comprehensive coverage of the research topics across the
entire service life-cycle: With the maturity of this conference, ICSOC'06
will attempt to provide a broader coverage of the research issues across
the entire service life-cycle. In order to provide a balanced coverage and
equal emphasis on all SOC topics, the topics are divided into six major
areas.  The area coordinators have the key role of defining topics,
reaching out to the scientific communities and supporting the evaluation
and selection of papers related to the diverse communities

The four primary service life-cycle phases, modeling, assembly,
deployment, and management are represented by the following three areas:
Business Service Modeling, Service Assembly, Service Deployment and
Management. Additionally, the runtime architectural issues will be covered
by SOA Runtime, and Quality of Service issues spanning all life-cycle
stages, i.e., specification to autonomic management will be covered by the
Quality of Service area.  Finally, the Grid Services area covers
application of service oriented computing in managing infrastructural

An Enhanced and Independent Industrial Track with Participation from Key
Industry Leaders:  Service Oriented Computing is very much a
cross-disciplinary and applied science. Therefore, one of the main goals
of ICSOC'06 is to bring the academic and industrial research communities
closer. This year we introduce an independent track for industrial papers
sharing valuable hands-on experiences gathered by the industrial
community.  The papers will highlight lessons learned, analysis of
technology gaps and outstanding technical issues, methodology used in
practice, noteworthy and innovative application scenarios, need for new
standardization and approaches to governance, and major improvements to
the state-of-practice.


ICSOC'06 seeks original papers in the field of service oriented computing,
from theoretical and foundational results to empirical evaluations as well
as practical and industrial experiences, with the emphasis on results that
contribute to solve the many still open research problems that are of
significant impact to the field of service oriented applications. Topics
include but are not limited to the following:

* Business Service Modeling: Methods and tools for capturing business
goals and requirements, Decomposition into business services, Business
processes, Business policies, Modeling, analysis, and simulation,
Specification of functional and non-functional quality requirements;

* Service Assembly: Development and Discovery: Model-driven development,
Service composition architectures, Service registries, Service discovery
mechanisms, Semantic matching, Methods and tools for service development,
Governance, Verification and validation, Deployment strategies;

* Service Management: Instrumentation and service related data
aggregation, end-to-end Measurement, Analysis, Modeling and Capacity
planning, Definition of  deployment topology, Infrastructure
configuration, Problem determination for SOAs, ITIL processes, Change
management in live systems.

* SOA Runtime: Service Bus for mediation, transformation and routing,
Runtime registry, Integration of legacy applications, Information services
for data access and data integration, Scalability, Topology  and
Optimization, Service oriented middleware, Policy based configuration &
Workload management

* Quality of Service: Reliable Service-Oriented Computing, Security and
Privacy in Service-Oriented Computing, SLA and Policy specification, QoS
Negotiation, Autonomic management of service levels, Empirical Studies and
Benchmarking of QoS, Performance and Dependability prediction in SOA;

* Grid Services: Services and architecture for management of
infrastructural resources, Data and Compute intensive applications,
Execution and resource allocation services for job scheduling, Protocols
for coordination across multiple resource managers, Business value based
allocation, Innovative Strategies for Creation and Management of Virtual
Enterprises and Organizations, Prototype systems and Toolkits.

There will be two independent tracks for Research and Industrial papers,
each managed by a different program committee and with a different set of
evaluation criteria. The authors must clearly indicate the track to which
the paper is being submitted.

* Research Papers: The conference is soliciting original research papers
on all aspects of web services and service-oriented computing. The
submissions should contain results which advance the state of the art in
service oriented systems, either through theoretical analysis or
experimental analysis. They should clearly establish the research
contribution, the relevance to service-oriented computing and the relation
to prior research. Submitted papers will be judged according to their
scientific merits and evaluated on significance, originality, technical
quality, and exposition. See below for submission details.

* Industrial and Application Papers: ICSOC'06 places a strong emphasis on
its industrial program and encourages submissions covering the application
of service-oriented computing in practice, including papers describing
innovative service-based implementations, novel applications of service
oriented technology, and major improvements to the state-of-practice.
Actual case studies from practitioners emphasizing applications, service
technology, system deployment, organizational ramifications, or business
impact are especially welcomed. Industrial and application papers should
give sufficient details on the application domain, on the service oriented
techniques that have been used, on the issues surrounding actual
implementations and applications, and on the lessons learned in developing
service oriented applications.  The papers submitted to this track can
range from a few page extended abstract to a full paper. The track will
also include a small number of invited visionary papers.

All papers should be submitted electronically in PDF and in Springer/LNCS
format. Research and industrial papers are not to exceed 12 pages.
Abstracts for research and application papers - not exceeding 200 words -
need to be submitted one week prior to the paper submission deadline. All
submissions should include title, authors, full contact information, and
references. Submissions should indicate at least two main topics and the
scientific area (or areas) that best fit the paper. For selected papers,
authors will be given the opportunity to submit a one-page reply, within
one week, to answer to the reviewers' concerns. This is done in the effort
to improve the paper selection process and make sure that papers are not
rejected based on some misunderstanding or erroneous interpretation by the
reviewers that is easy to correct in preparing the final version. All
accepted papers will appear in the ICSOC'06 archival proceedings,
published by Springer, and must be formally presented at the conference,
through oral presentations, and possibly through demonstrations.

ICSOC'06 solicits the submissions of proposals for Workshops and

Workshop Proposal Submissions: ICSOC'06 solicits the submission of
workshop proposals on any of the conference topics. We strongly encourage
workshops on key research challenges that can contribute to the main two
goals of ICSOC'06: "cross the boundaries among different scientific
communities and cross the boundaries among industry and research", by
opening the possibility to participants to discuss and compare their
approaches to problems of common interest. Workshop proposals should not
exceed five pages, and should include a description of the workshop topic
and the issues on which the workshop will focus, the motivation of why the
workshop is of interest at this time, a description of the workshop
format, the workshop duration, brief bios of the organizers, and a list of
potential attendees. A one page abstract of the workshop must also be
included, to be incorporated into the conference proceedings. Proposals
should be submitted electronically to the Workshop Chair. Workshop
proceedings will be made available to the participants attending the

Tutorial Proposal Submissions: The ICSOC conference solicits the
submission of high quality tutorial proposals on any of the conference
topics. Tutorial proposals should not exceed 5 pages, and should include
enough material to describe the subjects being covered, the level of
depth, as well as a description of the teaching methodology (lectures,
hands-on sessions, ...). Since the accepted tutorials will be part of the
main conference, topics of interest to a wider audience, covering
Standardization, SOA methodology and Comprehensive application of SOA to
an important problem area will be given a preference. Proposals should
also indicate the required background knowledge of the intended audience,
the tutorial length (1 hour 45 minutes), as well as the name, contact
information, and short bios of the speakers. A one page abstract of the
tutorial must also be included, to be incorporated into the conference
proceedings. Proposals should be submitted electronically to the Tutorial
Chair. Tutorial notes will be made available to the tutorial participants.

Conference Proceedings: The ICSCOC'06 proceedings will be published by
Springer Verlag in its LNCS series.

Important Dates:

Workshop proposal submission:			May 30, 2006
Paper abstract submission:			June 12, 11:59pm, PST
Full paper submission:				June 19, 11:59pm, PST
Tutorial and panel submission:			July 6, 2006
Notification of acceptance:			September 12, 2006
Final manuscript due:				September 25, 2006
Workshops: 					December 4, 2006
Main conference (includes Tutorial):		December 5-7, 2006


General Chairs:		  Ian Foster, ANL & U. Chicago (USA),
			  Carlo Ghezzi, Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
Program Chairs:		  Asit Dan, IBM (USA),
			  Winfried Lamersdorf, Hamburg University (Germany)
Industrial Track Chairs:  Robert Johnson, IBM (USA),
			  Jeff Mischkinsky, Oracle (USA)
Workshop Coordination 	  Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Telcordia Technologies
		 Chairs:  Norbert Ritter, Hamburg University (Germany)
Tutorial Chairs:	  Frank Leymann, Univ. of Stuttgart (Germany),
			  Heiko Ludwig, IBM Research (USA)
Local Organization Chair: Julie Wulf-Knoerzer, Univa (USA)
Financial Chair:	  Vincenzo D.andrea, Univ. of Trento (Italy)
Registration Chair:	  Martin Swany, Univ. of Delaware (USA)
Publicity Chair:	  Matei Ripeanu, Univ. of British Columbia (Canada)
Publication Chair: 	  Boualem Benatallah, UNSW (Australia)

Received on Thursday, 9 March 2006 07:33:30 UTC