- From: Martin Hepp <martin.hepp@deri.org>
- Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 12:39:57 +0200
- To: www-rdf-logic@w3.org
(apologies for cross-posting) Dear colleagues: After about 20 months of work, I am proud to announce the official release of eClassOWL, a comprehensive lightweight ontology for products and services in e-business scenarios. The ontology and comprehensive documentation is freely available at: http://www.heppnetz.de/eclassowl/ eClassOWL contains - more than 75,000 ontology classes for various views on 25,658 types of products and services, plus - 5,525 properties for describing products and services instances, and - 4,544 value instances for typical enumerative data types. Due to its size, it may also be used as a benchmark for Semantic Web infrastructure and tools. eClassOWL covers 25 top-level categories of products and services, e.g. - Office supplies, furniture, equipment, and stationary - Organic and inorganic chemicals - Automation equipment and electrical engineering - Information Technology - Semi-finished products, materials - Automotive technology - Tools - Medicine, medical technology, life science - Occupational safety and accident prevention and many more. A visualization of the scope covered by eClassOWL is available at http://www.heppnetz.de/eclassowl/coverage.gif For a full documentation on the content of the ontology, please check the eClassOWL User's Guide, which is also available at http://www.heppnetz.de/eclassowl/ I hope this is a step towards making the Semantic Web a reality. Any comments and feedback is very welcome. Best wishes Martin ----------------------------------------------------- martin hepp e-mail: martin.hepp@deri.org web: http://www.heppnetz.de skype: mfhepp office: +43 512 507 6465 Check eClassOWL, the first real-world e-business ontology for products and services in OWL at http://www.heppnetz.de/eclassOWL Upcoming Events: =============== The First International Workshop on Ontologizing Industrial Standards (OIS 2006), in conjunction with the 25th International Conferences on Conceptual Modeling (ER 2006), November 6-9, 2006, Tucson, Arizona, USA. URI: http://events.deri.at/ois2006/ The First International Workshop on Applications and Business Aspects of the Semantic Web (SEBIZ 2006), in conjunction with the Fifth International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2006), November 6, 2006, Athens, Georgia, USA URI: http://www.ag-nbi.de/conf/SEBIZ06/
Received on Friday, 16 June 2006 10:40:07 UTC