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  • From: Fred Freitas <fred_freitas_br@yahoo.com.br>
  • Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 10:30:15 +0000 (GMT)
  • To: troels@ruc.dk, michel.klein@cs.vu.nl, noy@stanford.edu, itimm@gmx.net, visser@informatik.uni-bremen.de, gb@das.ufsc.br, kkot@aegan.gr, borgo@loa-cnr.it, guizzardi@loa-cnr.it, breuker@swi.psy.uva.nl, emena@posta.unizar.es, oleary@rcf.usc.edu, lobrst@mitre.org, sofia@gia.ist.utl.pt, her@ida.liu.se, ajs@isep.ipp.pt, tessaris@inf.unibz.it, avalente@ksventures.com, heiner@cs.vu.nl, crubezy@smi.stanford.edu, R.Cornet@amc.uva.nl, scholobach@science.uva.nl, ga@csd.uoc.gr, bonifacio@dit.unitn.it, SCranefield@infoscience.otago.ac.nz, Ian.Dickinson@hp.com, Rose.Dieng@inria.fr, Jerome.Euzenat@free.fr, finin@umbc.edu, fausto@dit.unitn.it, frank@isi.edu, joshi@umbc.edu
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DEADLINE EXTENDED: Now submission deadline is June 20!!

Special Issue on Ontologies and their Applications at The Journal
  of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) connected to the event, see below.

  27 October 2006
  Ribeirão Preto, SP, Brazil
  A collocated event at the International Joint Conference
  IBERAMIA'2006 (the X Ibero-American Artificial Intelligence Conference)
  SBIA'2006 (the XVIII Brazilian Artificial Intelligence Symposium)
  SBRN'2006 (the IX Brazilian Neural Networks Symposium).
  After pursuing a long tradition of study in Philosophy, the term
  “ontology” has become the new buzzword in computer science. It is
  receiving special attention not only from an active community  of
  researchers pertaining to many areas of informatics but also from the
  industry, which is providing increasing budgets and investments to
  develop this technology and make it available in business as soon as
  There is at least one main reason for this recognition: ontologies
  constitute the backbone of the Semantic Web, as they are responsible for
  providing context to pages, thus promising to make a relevant part of
  the Web contents understandable and processable by the software.
  However, there are some challenging obstacles that should be tackled to
  make ontologies wide-spread reputation shift from a promise to a daily
  used technology. For instance, heterogeneity and evaluation are two of
  these obstacles.
  As for heterogeneity, ontology is composed of knowledge and knowledge is
  naturally diverse in its various features: form, expression, syntax,
  contents, meaning, points of view,  perspectives, uses, terminology,
  premises, among other features. Of course, this variety would be
  reflected on its encoding on ontologies and would pose subtle questions
  for its application. Dealing with heterogeneity in its many types has
  become a recurrent research issue for ontology employment, and also a
  good source of ontology usage, e.g. for problems like information
  integration of heterogeneous databases and systems.
  As for evaluation, in many applications, ontologies are applied in
  machine reasoning, thus requiring knowledge from them to encompass a
  great variety of point of views, and, most important, to sanction
  correct inferences that correspond to the reality being dealt with by
  the reasoner component.
  Following the success of the first edition of the Workshop on Ontologies
  and their Applications, we intend, with this second edition, to enrich
  the discussion on how to enhance ontologies’  applicability, thus
  realizing this promising technology  in general, but also in specific
  settings, such as e-business and e-commerce to name but a few.
  Topics of Interest:
  Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
  Ontology Engineering
  - methodologies
  - capture and learning
  - management
  Semantic consistency
  - foundational ontologies
  - upper-level ontologies
  - evaluation methods, applications and problems
  Semantic Interoperability
  - composition and modularity
  - merging, mapping and alignment
  - ontology language interoperability
  Enhancement of ontology applicability
  - linguistic ontologies applied to text processing
  - patterns of ontologies for specific applications
  Ontologies for Information Sharing
  - ontology-based information integration
  - mediators and brokers
  - agents  and ontologies
  Ontology Applications
  - Semantic Web
  - knowledge management
  - e-commerce, e-government
  - e-learning and e-science
  - information retrieval
  Workshop format and attendance:
  We intend to avoid the usual conference format, where papers are
  presented and the audience plays a rather passive role. Therefore, the
  emphasis for this one-day workshop is on working groups. In order to
  foster lively and fruitful discussion, the workshop sessions will be
  defined according to groups of topics formed from accepted papers. In
  each group of topics, we plan to allocate around one-third of the time
  for debates.
  Attendance will be limited to 60 registrations, formed by workshop
  papers authors and interested members of the community. Workshop
  attendees are required to register at the main joint conference
   IBERAMIA-SBIA-SBRN’2006. For more information, please have a look at the
  conference website at http://www.icmc.usp.br/~iarn2006.
  Submission procedure:
  We encourage the submission of high-quality papers based on entirely new
  work or surveys, both meeting the foci of the workshop. Papers must be
  written in English and may have a length of up to 12 pages, including
  tables, figures, and references. Like the main conference, papers must
  conform to the Springer LNCC/LNAI style. It is recommended that authors
  use Springer-Verlag template files (see
  http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html, section "Proceedings and
  Other Multi-author Volumes" for formatting instructions) to minimize
  possible conflicts of paper length when preparing the camera ready.
  Papers should be formatted in PDF (preferred) or PostScript, and
  submitted electronically only, through the EDAS  Conference Management
  System web site (at
  Submission is a three-step process. In a first step authors are required
  to register as new authors with JEMS. After registration as author the
  login data will be sent to the specified email address. This data can be
  used to access the system. In a second step authors have to register
  their paper (click the submit paper button in JEMS). The third step
  consists on uploading the paper.
  Submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by at least two program committee
  members and/or additional reviewers/referees. Accepted papers will be
  published in the workshop proceedings, in the CDROM with the joint
  conference technical papers and in the CEURS online.
  At least one of the authors of accepted papers has to register for the
  main conference (IBERAMIA-SBIA-SBRN’2006), otherwise the paper will  not
  be included in the proceedings.
  Any other questions regarding papers submission may be directed to one
  of the organizers.
  Special Issue
  Authors of best papers will be recommended to submit expanded versions
  for a Special Issue on Ontologies and their Applications at The Journal
  of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS). You can check that at
  (see at the bottom of the page).
  J,UCS - The Journal of Universal Computer Science - is a high-quality
  electronic publication that deals with all aspects of computer science.
  J.UCS has been appearing monthly since 1995 and is thus one of the
  oldest electronic journals with uninterrupted publication since its
  foundation. J.UCS is a joint publication of the Know-Center, Graz,
  Austria, in cooperation with the IICM, Graz University of Technology,
   Austria, Joanneum Research, Austria and Springer Pub. Co.
  Important dates:
  June 13 2006     - Deadline for workshop papers
  July 13 2006     - Notification of workshop paper acceptance
  August 13 2006   - Deadline for workshop camera-ready papers
  October 23-27 2006 - Joint Conference IBERAMIA-SBIA-SBRN’06 technical
  October 27-28 2006 - 2nd Workshop on Ontologies & their Applications
  Program Committee:
  Troels Andreasen, Roskilde Universitetscenter, Danmark
  Stefano Borgo, Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA), ISTC-CNR, Italy
  Joost Breuker, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
  Virginia Brilhante, Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brazil
  Ronald Cornet, Amsterdam Medical Center, Netherlands
  Monica Crubezy, SMI, Stanford University, USA
  Henrik Eriksson,  Linköping University, Sweden
  Jérôme Euzenat, INRIA, France
  Mariano Fernandez-López, CEU, Spain
  Fred Freitas, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
  Giancarlo Guizzardi, Laboratory for Applied Ontology (LOA), ISTC-CNR, Italy
  Michel Klein, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
  Konstantinos Kotis, University of the Aegean, Greece
  Andreia Malucelli, PUC/PR, Brazil
  Leo Obrst, Mitre Corporation, USA
  H.Sofia Pinto, IST/INESC-ID, Portugal
  Jorge Santos, Instituto Politécnico de Porto, Portugal
  Stefan Schlobach, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands
  Christoph Schmitz, Universitaet Kassel, Germany
  Stefan Schulz, Universitaet Freiburg, Germany
  Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Universitaet Mannheim, Germany
  Sergio Tessaris, Free University of Bozen – Bolzano, Italy
  Ingo Timm, Universitaet Bremen, Germany
  André Valente, University of Southern California, USA
  Ubbo Visser, Universitaet Bremen,  Germany
  Renata Wasserman. Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brazil
  Organizing Committee:
  Fred Freitas, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil
      fred@cin.ufpe.br (contact person)
  Heiner Stuckenschmidt, Universitaet Mannheim, Germany
      heiner @ informatik.uni-mannheim.de
  H.Sofia Pinto, IST/INESC-ID, Portugal
  Andreia Malucelli, PUCPR, Brazil
  Context of the workshop and the collocated conferences:
  IBERAMIA'2006 is the 10th conference of the IBERAMIA conference series,
  which has been one of the most suitable forums to Ibero-American
  Artificial Intelligence researchers (from South and Central America
  countries, Mexico, Spain and Portugal) present their results.
   SBIA'2006 is the 18th conference of the SBIA conference series, which is
  the leading conference in Brazil for presentation of research and
  applications in Artificial Intelligence. However, since the 1990's it
  has also attracted researchers from all over the world, when it started
  to have an international program committee and also keynote invited
  The proceedings of these two conferences will be published in a single
  volume of the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series of
  Springer-Verlag, as occurred in 2000 (LNAI 1952).
  IBERAMIA’2006 and SBIA’2006 will be held together with the IX Brazilian
  Neural Networks Symposium (SBRN).
  About the city:
  The city of Ribeirão Preto was founded June 19, 1856, by farmers coming
  from the southeast of São Paulo State in search of good climate and soil
  for coffee growing. The city was laid by a stream  called “Black Stream”,
  and was named after it (ribeirão preto means black stream in
  Portuguese). Eventually the farmers’ choice revealed itself as very
  adequate and the fertile soil of the Ribeirão Preto region allowed the
  highest crop productivity in Brazil.
  The creation of the University of Sao Paulo at Ribeirao Preto (USP-RP)
  stimulated the cultural and academic life in Ribeirão Preto and several
  schools, colleges and universities were opened in the city since then.
  Today, besides USP-RP there are six other universities and faculties in
  the city. More information on the city can be found at
  http://www.icmc.usp.br/iarn2006/inf/aboutrp.php .
  Fred Freitas
  Associate Professor
  Centro de Informática - CIn
  Universidade Federal de Pernambuco - UFPE - Brazil
  Phone: +55 81 2126 8430 r. 4345
  Research interests: Ontologies, semantic web, ontology-based  text processing
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Received on Friday, 9 June 2006 10:34:22 UTC