NMR Workshop: Deadline Extension to February 17th


                        NON-MONOTONIC REASONING
              Lake District, England, May 30 - June 1, 2006

                           SPECIAL SESSION ON
                         ANSWER SET PROGRAMMING

In the 1980s researchers working in the area of nonmonotonic reasoning
discovered that their formalisms could be used to describe the behavior
of negation as failure in Prolog. This work has led to the creation of
logic programming systems of a new kind - answer set solvers, and to the
emergence of a new approach to solving combinatorial search problems,
called answer set programming. The aim of the session is to facilitate
interactions between researchers interested in the design and
implementation of such declarative knowledge representation languages
and researchers who work in the areas of knowledge representation and
nonmonotonic reasoning.

The session on answer set programming is a one-day event and the
technical program forms a part of the Eleventh Non-monotonic Reasoning
Workshop (NMR2006), to be held in the Lake District area of the UK
collocated with the KR 2006 conference.


Authors are invited to submit original papers on answer set programming.
The list of topics of interest includes but is not limited to:

- Language extensions
- Algorithms and data structures for ASP
- Computational complexity analysis
- Optimization techniques needed in ASP systems
- Extensions to existing implementations
- Performance analysis, benchmarking
- Programming methodology
- Program development environments
- Standardization of system interfaces
- Future challenges for ASP systems

Session co-chairs

Ilkka Niemela Helsinki University of Technology, (Ilkka.Niemela@tkk.fi)
Mirek Truszczynski University of Kentucky, (mirek@cs.uky.edu)

Program committee

Marc Denecker, K.U.Leuven, Belgium
Wolfgang Faber, University of Calabria, Italy
Tomi Janhunen, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland
Fangzhen Lin, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Inna Pivkina, New Mexico State University, USA
Chiaki Sakama, Wakayama University, Japan
Hans Tompits, Technische Universität Wien, Austria
Kewen Wang, Griffith University, Australia

Submission details

All NMR-06 sessions have the same submission requirements. Submissions
are limited to 9 pages using KR paper format. Send a PDF file with the
submission to each of the organizers by e-mail.

Important dates

Submission of papers: 17 Feb 2006
Notification of acceptance: 1 April 2006
Final version (PDF File): 1 May 2006

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Computational Intelligence Group
Department of Computer Science
Clausthal University of Technology

Received on Monday, 6 February 2006 11:05:31 UTC