CFP: Evaluationg Ontologies for the Web -- EON2006 at WWW

You know how to tell a good ontology from a bad one?

Then join us at the EON Workshop to discuss this!
Paper submission deadline: February 24th.

Apologies for cross-posting. Please forward this mail to anyone interested.



4th International EON Workshop
Workshop on Evaluation of Ontologies for the Web (EON2006)

Held in conjunction with the
15th International World Wide Web Conference

Edinburgh International Conference Center, Edinburgh, UK
May 22nd, 2006



In the successful series of EON workshops we intend to bring together 
researchers and practitioners from the quickly developing research areas 
Ontologies and Semantic Web. Former EON workshops aimed at evaluating 
ontology-based tools, this year’s workshop  focuses on the Evaluation of 
Ontologies (content, usability, etc.) themselves. Whereas some effort 
already was invested in reusing work from related research areas towards 
the end of Ontology Evaluation, often the basic premises of the web-like 
environment are forgotten or disregarded. Thus the main goal of this 
workshop is to lay the foundations for Web Ontology Evaluation.

Ontologies now play an important role for many knowledge-intensive 
applications for which they provide a source of formally defined terms. 
They aim at capturing domain knowledge in a generic way and provide a 
commonly agreed understanding of a domain, which may be reused, shared, 
and operationalized across applications and groups. Numerous ontologies 
are already available and the number is growing rapidly. Still a well 
understood definition or even intuition about qualities that apply to 
ontologies is lacking. The large visibility of the Semantic Web already 
attracts industrial partners. Ontology-based tools depend more and more 
on the explicit knowledge captured in ontologies. A well-understood 
notion of Ontology Evaluation might lead to a consistent level of 
quality and thus acceptance by industry. For the future this might lead 
to certification efforts for such ontologies.

The aim of this workshop is to ground Ontology Evaluation firmly on the 
needs of the Semantic Web, especially regarding its web-like 
characteristics like high interconnectivity, constant change and 
incompleteness. We will focus on the Semantic Web languages as 
standardized or proposed by the W3C: RDF(S), OWL and the rule language. 
We want to encourage and stimulate discussion about the current state of 
the art in Ontology Evaluation and its future direction. Currently, 
ontologies and the Semantic Web attract researchers from all around the 
world and from various disciplines, sometimes forgetful of the new needs 
and conditions arising from the Semantic Web’s requirements.

Main topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* Web Ontology Evaluation
* Ontology Evaluation Methodologies
* Tools for Ontology Evaluation
* Ontology Content Evaluation
* Task-oriented Evaluation / Task-independent Evaluation
* Criteria for Ontology Content Evaluation
* Formal/Informal Ontology Evaluation
* Evaluation of Heavily Interconnected Ontologies / Networks of Ontologies
* Ontology Metrics-based Evaluation
* Evaluation-guided revision of Ontologies
* Certification of Ontologies


To ensure a creative atmosphere during the workshop, the participants 
will be selected based on their submitted papers, posing important 
issues to be presented and discussed at the workshop. The workshop will 
consist of short presentations followed by discussions about the goals 
of the workshop: the state of the art in Ontology Evaluation with 
regards to the needs of the Semantic Web and outlining a plan for future 
research. Also there will be a practical session, where three ontologies 
are to be evaluated by the participants beforehand and the results being 
discussed at the workshop. In order to obtain an intensive exchange of 
ideas between the participants, there will be left extensive time for 

The previous workshops (EON2002, EON2003 and EON2004) proposed a series 
of experiments for evaluating different aspects of ontology tools, e.g. 
their expressiveness and interoperability capabilities. The aim of the 
EON series is to attract attention to a number of evaluation topics 
since we believe this to be a highly relevant issue for the adaptation 
of Semantic Web technologies by partners outside the Semantic Web community.

This year we focus on ontologies themselves. Taking into account the 
success of the former workshops in this series, we will not only expect 
regular contributions on any of the topics addressed in this CFP, but we 
will also look forward to receiving submissions based on experimental 
results, surveys and tools for Ontology Evaluation. The EON2006 workshop 
is intended to be a platform to discuss results and further steps with 
interested parties. Along with these experimental contributions, we 
explicitly encourage people to make demos of their tools. We will 
reserve time slots for demos in the workshop.

Prior the workshop all participants will be asked to evaluate three 
ontologies according to their approaches. The workshop will facilitate 
discussion by comparing the results of the participants. This is not 
meant as a test or as homework, as we don’t know the correct results 
ourselves yet – it is the goal of this workshop to answer this very 
question. The ontologies will be downloadable at the workshop’s website.

A final panel will discuss the research agenda for the coming years, 
based on the presentations and results from the demos, evaluations and 


Deadline paper submissions: January 10th, 2006
Notification of acceptance: February 1st, 2006
Camera ready deadline: February 15th, 2006
Workshop: May 22nd or 23rd (to be defined), 2006


Interested authors should submit an electronic PDF and source version of 
their papers to prior to the paper 
submission deadline. The first page of submitted papers should include: 
title, author names, affiliations, postal addresses, electronic mail 
addresses, telephone and fax numbers for all authors, and a brief 
abstract. All correspondence will be sent to the author mentioned as 
contact person in the electronic title page (by default, the first 
author). Submissions should not exceed 8 pages and should be formatted 
according to the guidelines of the WWW conference (see ). We also welcome position 
papers no longer than 4 pages.


* Denny Vrandecic, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany
* Mari Carmen Suarez-Figueroa, Facultad de Informatica, Universidad 
Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
* Aldo Gangemi, Laboratory for Applied Ontology, Institute for Cognitive 
Sciences and Technology, Rome, Italy
* York Sure, Institute AIFB, University of Karlsruhe, Germany


* Sean Bechhofer, University of Manchester (UK)
* Christopher Brewster, University of Sheffield (UK)
* Dan Brickley, W3C (US)
* Oscar Corcho, University of Manchester (UK)
* Roberta Cuel, University of Trento (IT)
* Mariano Fernandez-Lopez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (ES)
* Asuncion Gomez-Perez, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (ES)
* Marko Grobelnik, Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)
* Nicola Guarino, Laboratory for Applied Ontology (IT)
* Kouji Kozaki, Osaka University (JP)
* Deborah McGuiness, Stanford University (US)
* Libby Miller, Asemantics (IT)
* Enrico Motta, Open University (UK)
* Elena Paslaru Bontas, Freie Universitaet Berlin (DE)
* Sofia Pinto, Technical University of Lisbon (PT)
* Robert Porzel, European Media Laboratory (DE)
* Steffen Staab, Universität Koblenz (DE)
* Rudi Studer, University of Karlsruhe (DE)
* Chris Welty, IBM (US)


You may enquire all further information from Denny Vrandecic,


Received on Thursday, 2 February 2006 14:20:45 UTC