Re: defining attributes of xsd:string?

PL. Miraglia (home) wrote:
> Not entirely sure this is the best list for this question, but...:
> Suppose I want to define additional attributes of string -- 'additional'
> i.e. with respect to such things as xml:lang.  For instance, I may want
> an attribute that applies only to strings that are acronyms (in a given
> language), or only to strings that are used as person's given names and
> such.  Can I define these in my owl ontology? 

Unfortunately, no. OWL cannot be used to refine the datatypes (which I
believe is something you try to do here).

>                                                Or do I define them in a
> xml schema and then somehow make them available in the ontology (and how
> would this go, exactly)?

If you can define what you want using XML Schemas, then this is probably
your safest bet. There is a document that might help you in binding this
'back' to RDF[1].



> Grateful for suggestions.  Thank you,
> -- 
> # Pierluigi Miraglia pierlu.m
> # Austin, Tex.


Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
PGP Key:

Received on Monday, 14 August 2006 11:09:49 UTC