RDF/OWL properties and MKR verbs

First a couple of quick notes, then a final example.

1. I changed the MKR concept "VERB" to "verb".

2. I added a new function prop2verb(property)
which returns the MKR verb for an RDF/OWL property.
By default,

    prop2verb(prop) := prop;

3. Given 2, MKR has just become (an extension of)
a simplified triple language for RDF/OWL!
For example:

    Dick McCullough, Danny Ayers rdf:type owl:Person;
    Chevy rdfs:subClassOf car;

4. MKR already has its own verbs for many RDF/OWL 
properties.  In ordinary MKR, the statements in
3 would be written as

    Dick McCullough, Danny Ayers isu owl:Person;
    Chevy iss car;

(The exact meaning of the second statement in 3
is {Chevy iss* car;} but the second statement in 4
is true.)

5. Because the primary purpose of the MKR language
is to express meanings clearly and unambiguously,
I designed MKR to use a different syntax for 
different property types.  In that spirit, the
meaning of the statements in 3 is

    Dick McCullough, Danny Ayers rel rdf:type = owl:Person;
    Chevy rel subClassOf = car;

("rel" is now the MKR verb, and "rdf:type" and
"rdfs:subClassOf" are properties instead of verbs.)

The basic MKR verbs for different property types are

    has        attribute
    haspart    part
    rel        binary relation
    do         action

Now for a final example.  This is a short excerpt
from an ISO standards document written in
simplified RDF/OWL triples (AKA MKR).

    ClassOfAbstractObject ismem owl:Class;
    ClassOfAbstractObject is group with gtype=intersection;
    ClassOfAbstractObject isand ClassOfClass,
        ClassOfRelationship, ClassOfMultiDimensionalObject;
    ClassOfAbstractObject rel owl:disjointWith = ClassOfIndividual;
    ClassOfAbstractObject has rdfs:comment += "\n
        DEFINITION A ClassOfAbstractObject is a Class\n
        whose members classify members of AbstractObject";

Dick McCullough
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;

Received on Sunday, 18 September 2005 19:16:13 UTC