- From: <rcamacho@fe.up.pt>
- Date: Wed, 25 May 2005 18:08:27 +0100
- To: Mlnet@ais.fraunhofer.de
- Cc:
**************************************** *** We apologise for multiple copies *** **************************************** *** Deadline extended *** ** Paper submission June 3rd, 2005 ** Workshop on Computational Methods in Bioinformatics cmb.epia05@di.ubi.pt as part of the 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence Covilha, Portugal, 5-8 December 2005 http://epia05.di.ubi.pt email: epia05@di.ubi.pt =============== Call for Papers =============== The success of bioinformatics in recent years has been prompted by research in molecular biology and molecular medicine in initiatives like the human genome project. These initiatives gave rise to an exponential increase in the volume and diversification of data, including protein and gene data, nucleotide sequences and biomedical literature. The accumulation and exploitation of large-scale data bases prompts for new computational technology and for research into these issues. In this context, many widely successful computational models and tools used by biologists in these initiatives, such as clustering and classification methods for gene expression data, are based on artificial intelligence (AI) techniques. Hence, this workshop brings the opportunity to discuss applications of AI with an interdisciplinary character, exploring the interactions between sub-areas of AI and Bioinformatics. Topics and Technical issues --------------------------- Papers should deal with bio-medical data sets. Computer science and mathematical modelling papers must contain a concise description of the biological problem being solved, and biology papers should show how computation or analysis improves the results. Biological areas of interest include, but are not limited to: - sequence analysis, - comparison and alignment methods; - motif, gene and signal recognition; - molecular evolution; - phylogenetics and phylogenomics; - determination or prediction of the structure of RNA and protein in two and three dimensions; - DNA twisting and folding; - gene expression and gene regulatory networks; - deduction of metabolic pathways; - microarray design and analysis; - proteomics; - functional genomics; - molecular docking and drug design; - computational problems in genetics such as linkage and QTL analysis, linkage disequilibrium analysis in populations, and haplotype determination; - systems biology. Computational areas of interest include, but are not limited to: - Knowledge Discovering techniques and Data Mining; - Text Mining and Language Processing; - Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition; - Rough, Fuzzy and Hybrid Techniques; - Hidden Markov Models; - Bayesian Approaches; - Artificial Neural Networks; - Support Vector Machines; - Evolutionary Computing; - Non-linear dynamical analysis methods and Intelligent signal processing Sponsors -------- The 12th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence is sponsored by APPIA, the Portuguese Association of AI (http://www.appia.pt/). Goals and Intended Audience --------------------------- The workshop's aim is to discuss computational aspects and challenges of important biological problems and, in doing so, identify new research opportunities. A second goal is to establish a forum that will bring together researchers in Artificial Intelligence face to face with researchers in bioinformatics. The hope is that this workshop will provide a forum where people from the two communities can come together to exchange ideas and discuss different approaches. Proceedings ___________ Authors may submit full papers with a maximum of 12 pages or short papers with a maximum of 4 pages. Both kinds of papers may report on innovative work, work reported elsewhere, ongoing research or student projects. Only innovative full papers are candidate to publications in the Springer proceedings as specified below. All papers must follow the Springer instructions for authors as indicated in http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html/ A selection of the workshop accepted full papers will be published by Springer in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence sub-series of LNCS. All accepted papers not published in the Springer proceedings will be published by UBI in the Local Workshop Proceedings, in hard copy, in CD-ROM and in the web. To be a candidate for publication in the main proceedings the following rules must be met: * Submissions must be full technical papers on substantial, original, and previously unpublished research. * Submissions must be formatted according to the Springer LNCS Series guidelines, and must not exceed 12 pages. Each selected paper will be allowed 12 pages in the Proceedings. Up to two additional pages may be purchased by the authors. At least one of the authors must be registered at the conference for the paper to be published in the proceedings. Posters ------- The workshop will have a poster session running during the coffee breaks. Posters are intended to report on work in progress, student projects, open problems and research issues, as well as new application challenges. Important Dates _______________ Here are some important dates: Conference begins December 5th, 2005 Paper submission June 3rd, 2005 Author notification July 15th, 2005 Camera-ready copies July 28th, 2005 Submission and reviewing Information ----------------------------------------------- The workshop will follow a blind reviewing policy. In order to make blind reviewing possible, submissions must be anonymous. This requires that authors exercise some care not to identify themselves in their contributions. Authors should omit their names and affiliations from the paper. Also, while the references should include all published literature relevant to the paper, including previous works of the authors, it should not include unpublished works. When referring to one's own work, authors must use the third person rather than the first person. To submit a paper the author fills in an electronic form with author's and papers information and them upload the paper in PDF format. All papers (short or full papers) will follow the same reviewing process. Submission is made through the submission page available in the EPIA 2005 website http://epia05.di.ubi.pt . Organization ____________ Program Chairs Rui Camacho Alexessander Alves LIACC and FEUP, LIACC Universidade do Porto, Portugal Universidade do Porto, Portugal rcamacho@fe.up.pt alves@ieee.org Joaquim Pinto da Costa Paulo Azevedo LIACC and FCUP Departamento de Informatica Universidade do Porto, Portugal Universidade do Minho, Portugal jpcosta@fc.up.pt pja@di.uminho.pt Program Committee P. Alexandrino (Portugal) T. Freitas (Portugal) A. Alves (Portugal) H. M. Jamil (USA) P. Azevedo (Portugal) A. Jorge (Portugal) P. Bourne (USA) R. King (Wales, UK) V. Brusic (Singapore) I. C. Lerman (France) C. Bystroff (USA) M. P. Monteiro (Portugal) R. Camacho (Portugal) M. Sagot (France) E. Costa (Portugal) T. Scheffer (Germany) A. Carvalho (Brasil) S. Schulze-Kremer (Germany) J. P. Costa (Portugal) A. Srinivasan (India) V. Costa (Brasil) A. Valencia (Spain) I. Dutra (Brasil) J. Vieira (Portugal) L. Dehaspe (Belgium) M. Zaki (USA) D. Gilbert (Scotland, UK) _______________________________________________ Mlnet mailing list Mlnet@ais.fraunhofer.de http://lists.ais.fraunhofer.de/mailman/listinfo/mlnet
Received on Wednesday, 25 May 2005 17:20:47 UTC