DAIS2005 final call for participation

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                            CALL FOR PARTICIPATION

                                  DAIS  2005

                 The 5th IFIP Conference on Distributed Applications
                            and Interoperable Systems

                         To be held in conjunction with
                                  FMOODS 2005
          Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems

                                Athens, Greece
                               June 15-17, 2005



Dear colleague,

enclosed please find the Call for Participation for the 5th IFIP
Conference DAIS 2005 held in Athens, the capitol of Greece, June 15th -
17th, 2005. DAIS 2005 is organized by the University of Athens.
It is co-located with the IFIP Conference FMOODS 2005 (Formal Methods
for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems).

Lower-prise registration deadline is May 30, 2005. You can find more
information on the conference programme, registration, and hotels at
the DAIS web site

DAIS 2005 features are:

* 3 Invited talks by Gordon Blair (Univ. of Lancaster), Rocco de Nicola
     (Univ. of Florenz), and Andreas Reuter (European Media Laboratory
* 2 and a half-day single track of peer-reviewed papers on context and
     location awareness, configuration and adaptability, 
     issues, grid, performance evaluation, and methodological aspects,
* Proceedings and free access to FMOODS 2005,
* Social event in the Acropolis area.

We are looking forward to meeting you at DAIS 2005,

Nancy Alonistioti and Lea Kutvonen.

Received on Thursday, 19 May 2005 12:56:19 UTC