** apologies for multiple postings **
** ECML/PKDD-2005
** Call for Tutorials and Workshops
The ECML/PKDD-2005 Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials and workshops that will be co-located with the main ECML/PKDD-2005 conference, Porto, Portugal. We invite proposals for half-day tutorials and full day workshops. Proposals for a workshop/tutorial combination are also welcome (see below). The scope of the proposal should be consistent with the conference themes as described in the ECML/PKDD-2005 Call for Papers (see the conference site, http://ecmlpkdd05.liacc.up.pt, for details).
* Workshops: These provide an opportunity to discuss current topics in machine learning and/or data mining in a small and interactive atmosphere. Thus, any topic that is of current interest to a sufficient number of participants from the two communities could be the focus of a workshop. Workshops can concentrate in-depth on research topics, but can also be devoted to application issues, or to questions concerning the economic and social aspects of machine learning and data mining. Multidisciplinary workshops that bring together researchers and practitioners from different communities such as advanced computing and GRID, database, ontology, life science, cognitive science, economics and finance, mathematics and operations research, are welcome.
* Tutorials: These are intended to provide independent instruction on topics from the field of machine learning or data mining. Introductions to other research domains that could fertilize the machine learning/data mining field with new challenges or solutions are also welcome provided that there is a clear relation to machine learning/data mining. Each tutorial should:
* attract a large enough audience;
* be presented by highly qualified persons with a demonstrable background and teaching experience in the tutorial area;
* be well-focused, so that its core content can be covered in a 3.5 hour tutorial slot (incl. a 30 minute break);
* be accompanied by comprehensive notes written in clear, standard English;
* cope with the wide diversity in the ECML/PKDD audience (preferable), or else be accompanied by a complete list of tutorial prerequisites;
* cover the overall picture, without a bias towards the presenters' own work;
* be free of commercial or sales-oriented material.
As workshops and tutorials are in a sense complementary, we also welcome proposals for combined tutorial-workshop events. The general idea is that the tutorial gives an introduction to the field of the workshop, making the workshop accessible to a broader audience.
** Workshop Participation and Proceedings **
All workshop participants are required to register for the main conference. During registration the participants will specify which workshop they are going to attend. If the workshop organizers intend to allow access to the workshop by invitation only, or would like to see the number of participants limited, then they should clearly indicate so. To make it easier for workshop organizers to attract invited speakers, a limited number of invited speakers (e.g. one per workshop) can be allowed without registration for the main conference, provided they do not attend the main conference.
Workshop proceedings have to be prepared camera-ready by the workshop organizers (in a form of a single PDF file). They will be printed by the ECML/PKDD organizers. A common paper style will be adopted for the proceedings (Springer format).
In addition, the ECML/PKDD organizers intend to prepare a CD containing all the workshop proceedings. Hence, electronic submissions to the workshops are essential so that this could be carried out.
** Tutorial participation and publication of materials**
Registered conference participants can freely attend all tutorials.
Tutorial presenters are expected to prepare hand-outs for the audience (PDF file), which will be printed by the ECML/PKDD organizers. The organizers also plan to make the tutorial materials available on the CD containing the workshop materials. Consequently, tutorial presenters are expected to make their materials available several weeks before the start of the conference (see the list with Important dates).
Discounts on registration will be considered for the tutorial presenters.
** Important dates **
- Workshop proposal deadline: 28 March '05
- Tutorial proposal deadline: 18 April
- Workshop acceptance notification: 18 April
- Tutorial acceptance notification 18 May
- Workshop Call for Papers (to be ready on the web): 9 May
- Tutorial summary (to be ready on the web): 9 June
- Workshop paper submission deadline: 25 July
- Workshop paper acceptance notification: 15 August
- Workshop paper camera-ready deadline: 5 Sept.
- Workshop proceedings (camera-ready): 12 Sept.
- Tutorial notes (camera-ready): 12 Sept.
- Start of the conference: 3 Oct. '05
** How to Propose a Workshop **
Workshop proposals should contain the necessary information for the workshop chairs and reviewers to judge the importance, quality and community interest in the proposed topic. Each workshop should have one or more designated organizers and a workshop program or organizing committee. When proposing a workshop, please provide (at least) the following information:
* A brief technical description of the specific technical issues that the workshop will address.
* The reasons why the workshop is of interest this time.
* The names, postal and email addresses, phone and fax numbers of the Workshop Chairs. At least one of the Workshop Chairs should be a knowledgeable person in the area of machine learning or data mining.
* The names, affiliations and email addresses of the Workshop Program Committee.
* A list of previously-organized related workshops by any of the Workshop Chairs, although previous experience with similar workshops is not required.
* If possible, a list of potential attendees if the proposal of the workshop were accepted. Estimate of the number of potential participants and their main research areas (machine learning, data mining, database, statistics, logics, life science, finance, ...).
* How the workshop will be publicized.
* A summary of the intended workshop Call for Participation, showing how the organizers will encourage a workshop, rather than a mini-conference, atmosphere (e.g., invited talks, presentations, panel discussions, or other ideas for ensuring an interactive atmosphere).
* Plans to document the workshop results (beyond ECML/PKDDS publication).
* Ideal duration of the workshop (three/ four sessions).
* A list of audio-visual or technical requirements and any special room requirements.
* In the case of a combined tutorial-workshop proposal: title of the tutorial and name of proposers.
* Proposers are encouraged to send their draft proposal to the potential participants for comments before submission.
Please submit your workshop proposals by e-mail to ECML/PKDD workshop chair (see contact information below). He/she will review the proposals in close collaboration with the tutorial chair, conference chairs and the program committee.
** How to Propose a Tutorial **
Tutorial proposals should contain all information that the proposer considers to be relevant for judging the relevance of the tutorial. In particular, it should contain (1) title of the tutorial and a short overview of the area that will be covered, (2) an outline of the tutorial in the form of a structured list of topics, (3) a description of the target audience and expected prior knowledge, and (4) information about the scientific qualifications of the presenter(s) including their experience on teaching the material of the tutorial, if possible (5) accompanied by some sample material (e.g., slides or hand-outs from a previous tutorial or a course the presenters have taught).
All materials should be submitted by e-mail to the ECML/PKDD tutorial chair (see contact information below). He/she will review the proposal in close collaboration with the workshop chair, conference chairs and the program committee.
** How to Propose a Tutorial/Workshop Combination **
Proposals for joint tutorial-workshop events can be made by sending the joint proposal to both the workshop and the tutorial chair, clearly indicating on each proposal that this is a joint event, and also stating reasons why such a joint event is preferable to just a workshop or tutorial. It is possible for joint proposals that only the workshop or tutorial part will be accepted.
** Contact information **
-- Workshop Chair --
Floriana Esposito
Department of Informatics
University of Bari
via Orabona 4,
I-70126 Bari, Italy
Phone/Fax: +39 080 544 3264
-- Tutorial Chair --
Dunja Mladenic
Department of Knowledge Technologies,
J.Stefan Institute,
Jamova 39,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 1 477 3377
Fax: +386 1 477 3131