- From: Alexander Gelbukh \(CIC-2005\) <core@cic.ipn.mx>
- Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 01:27:42 -0500
- To: "'Computer Science Dept'" <core@cic.ipn.mx>
September 5-9, 2005, Mexico City, Mexico www.cic.ipn.mx/conf/cic/2005/ (in Spanish), www.cic.ipn.mx/conf/cic/2005/callPappersEng.htm (CFP in English), Submission deadline: June 17. Publication: Journal "Research on Computing Science", ISSN 1665-9899, see below. Keynote speakers: Paul J. Werbos, Manuela Veloso, Boris Stilman, more to be announced; see below. TOPICS: - Artificial Intelligence (all topics), - Computer Science (all topics), - Computer Engineering (all topics). See details on webpage. KEYNOTE SPEAKERS: Paul J. Werbos, NSF, USA, The legendary original inventor of backpropagation in neural networks. Topic to be announced. Manuela Veloso, Carnegie-Mellon, USA, http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~mmv: "Integrated Perception, Cognition, and Action in Teams of Robots" Boris Stilman, University of Colorado, USA, www.stilman-strategies.com, http://carbon.cudenver.edu/~bstilman: "Star Wars: Military Applications of Linguistic Geometry" more speakers to be announced. PUBLICATION: Selected papers will be published in the Journal "Research on Computing Science", ISSN 1665-9899. Decision on inclusion of the paper in the Journal will be communicated in the acceptance notification (before registration). All papers will be published in a CD with ISBN. WORKING LANGUAGES: English and Spanish. (For inclusion of a paper in the Journal "RCS" it has to be submitted in English.) SUBMISSION: Electronic. Format: same as Springer LNCS. See www.cic.ipn.mx/conf/cic/2005/. Submission page: www.cic.ipn.mx:8080/upload/enviar2.jsp. IMPORTANT DATES: June 17: Deadline for full paper submission. July 8: Notification of acceptance. August 5: Deadline for camera ready papers and registration. CONTACT: Alexander Gelbukh, see www.Gelbukh.com; Cornelio Yáñez Márquez, cyanez{at}cic.ipn.mx; Oscar Camacho, oscarc{at}cic.ipn.mx. Send inquires about this message using the Reply button. Please distribute this CFP to your colleagues and students.
Received on Monday, 13 June 2005 04:37:10 UTC