Second call for papers - DAIS 2006


                         2nd CALL FOR PAPERS
                            6th IFIP WG 6.1
                       International Conference on
          Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems

                            DAIS 2006

                "From service-oriented architectures
                   to self-managing applications"

                          Bologna, Italy
                         June 13-16, 2006


                   To be held in conjunction with
                 FMOODS 2006  and  Coordination 2006

                       ******** NEW **********

              Abstract and paper submission is now open:

                    Invited speakers now ready


In recent years, distributed applications have indeed gained a practical
and widely-known footing in everyday  computing. Use of new communication
technologies have brought up divergent application areas, including mobile
computing, inter-enterprise collaborations, and  ubiquitous services, just
to name a few. New challenges include the need for service-oriented archi-
tectures, autonomous and self-managing systems, peer-to-peer systems, grid
computing, sensor networks, semantic enhancements, and adaptivity and dyna-
micity of distribution constellations.

The DAIS conference series addresses all aspects of distributed applications,
including their design, implementation and operation, the supporting
appropriate software engineering methodologies and tools, as well as experi-
mental studies and practice reports. This time we welcome in particular contri-
butions on architectures, models, technologies and platforms for interoperable,
scalable and adaptable systems that are related to the latest trends towards
service orientation and self-* properties.

DAIS'06 is the sixth event in a series of successful international conferences
which started in 1997. It will provide a forum for researchers, application
and platform service vendors and users, to review, discuss and learn about
new approaches, trends, concepts and experiences in the fields of distributed
computing. Due to the success of the predecessor conferences and the
emergence of many interesting and relevant new topics, DAIS has
recently switched to a one-year-rhythm.


DAIS'06 solicits high quality papers reporting research results and/or
reports. All papers must be original, unpublished, and not submitted
for publication elsewhere.

DAIS'06 especially encourages submissions addressing the following topics:

- novel and innovative applications in the areas of
  * enterprise computing
  * peer-to-peer systems and platforms
  * mobile computing
  * ubiquitous and pervasive computing
  * sensor networks

- distributed application infrastructures
  * service-oriented frameworks, SOA, Web Services
  * component frameworks, such as CORBA Components, J2EE, .NET
  * peer-to-peer computing
  * mobile and wireless computing
  * Grid computing

- software architectures supporting
  * autonomous systems
  * context-awareness
  * reconfiguration and adaptation
  * self-management
  * dependability

- application integration and interoperability
  * enterprise-wide and inter-enterprise integration
  * integration vs. interoperability
  * semantic interoperability and semantic web services

- life-cycle of distributed applications
  * modelling, specifying, monitoring and management
  * model-driven development and testing
  * tuning and re-engineering

- dependability of distributed applications
  * trust and security
  * safety
  * fault-tolerance
  * dependability coordination in SOA


Submissions must be done electronically as postscript or PDF, using the
Springer LNCS style. DAIS'06 seeks:
- Full technical papers in no more than 14 pages,
- Work-in-progress papers, describing on-going work and interim results,
  in no more than 6 pages.

Both categories of papers will be reviewed thoroughly by the DAIS'06 Program
Committee. Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings
published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS series. More specific guidelines
on the preparation of papers can be found on the conference website.


Abstract submission                           January 10, 2006
Full paper submission:                        January 17, 2006
Work-in-progress papers:                      January 31, 2006
Notification of acceptance:                   March 7, 2006
Camera ready version:                         March 28, 2006
Workshop dates:                               June 13, 2006
Conference dates:                             June 14-16, 2006


DAIS'06 will be held in the beautiful city of Bologna, Italy, colocated
with the 8th IFIP Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems
(FMOODS'06) and Coordination'06. Attendants of DAIS'06 will have the
opportunity to attend the sessions of the two colocated conferences.

Bologna, a historical capital of culture, was founded by the Etruscans
in the VI century B.C. Bologna sits in the southern part of the
historically and gastronomically famous Po River plain, a natural
crossroads in northern Italy. Bologna's location was important not only
for the trading of goods but also for the exchanging of ideas and the
disseminating of culture. The Università di Bologna, founded in 1088 is
the oldest university in the western world.

Bologna is famous for its porticoes. Dating back to the 12th century the
porticoes were used to enlarge houses to support the growing University
community. Today 350,000 people call Bologna their home, of which 100,000
are students. Bologna, Italy's culinary capital, is also famous for its
food. Furthermore, Bologna is surrounded by the famous food/wine regions
of Parma, Modena, and Tuscany.

Bologna is very accessible, being served by an international airport and
one of the main hubs of the Italian railway system. Within easy access
is Florence (1 hour), Milan (1.5 hours), Venice (1.5 hours), Rome (2.4
hours) and the ubiquitous Italian countryside of Emilia-Romagna and Tuscany.


General chair:
Gianluigi Zavattaro, University of Bologna, Italy

Steering committee:
Lea Kutvonen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Hartmut Koenig, BTU Cottbus, Germany
Kurt Geihs, University of Kassel, Germany
Elie Najm, ENST, Paris, France

PC Chairs:
Frank Eliassen, University of Oslo, Norway
Alberto Montresor, University of Trento, Italy

Publicity chair:
Ketil Lund, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway

Program committee:
N. Alonistioti, University of Athens, Greece
D. Bakken, Washington State University, USA
A. Bartoli, University of Trieste, Italy
Y. Berbers, Yolande, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium  	
A. Beugnard,  ENST-Bretagne, France	
G. Blair, Lancaster University, UK
A. Corsaro, Alenia Marconi System, Italy    	
I. Demeure, ENST, France		
F. Eliassen, University of Oslo, Norway	
P. Felber, Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland,
K. Geihs, University of Kassel, Germany	
K. M. Goschka, Technical University of Vienna, Austria
S. Graupner, HP Labs, USA
R. Grønmo,  SINTEF ICT, Norway   		
D. Hagimont, INP Toulouse, France
S. Hallsteinsen, SINTEF ICT, Norway
S. Haridi, SICS, Sweden	
J. Indulska, University of Queensland, Australia		
E. Jul, Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK
A. Keller, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center, USA		
H. Koenig, BTU Cottbus, Germany		
R. Kroeger, Univeristy of Applied Sciences Wiesbaden, Germany	
H. Krumm, University of Dortmund, Germany	
L. Kutvonen, University of Helsinki, Finland
W. Lamersdorf, University of Hamburg, Germany
C. Linnhof-Popien, University of Munich, Germany
K. Lund, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
R. Meier, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland	
A. Montresor, University of Trento, Italy
E. Najm, ENST, France
R. Oliveira, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
K. Raymond, University of Queensland, Australia
R. Schantz, BBN Technologies, USA
A. Romanovsky, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
W. Schreiner, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria	
T. Senivongse, Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
K. Sere, Åbo Akademi University, Finland
J.-B. Stefani, INRIA, France
N. Wang, Tech-X Corporation, USA

Ketil Lund
Publicity chair

Received on Wednesday, 14 December 2005 17:44:15 UTC