ceemas05 call for participation



4th International Central and Eastern European Conference on Multi-Agent 

15-17 September 2005,
Budapest, Hungary



Co-located with
The Third AgentLink III Technical Forum (AL3-TF3)
First Technical European FIPA IEEE Meeting

Co-sponsored by
- European Coordinating Action for Agent-Based Computing (AgentLink III)
- AITIA Informatikai Inc.

Invited Speaker

- Giovanni Rimassa, Whitestein Technologies AG, Zurich, Switzerland,

Scientific Programme

The preliminary programme of CEEMAS 2005 is available at



Registration for CEEMAS 2005 is handled by the Conference Department of the 
Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of 
Registration and hotel information are available at

Early registration ends on 15 August!


CEEMAS Steering Committee:
Barbara Dunin-Keplicz, Poland
Vladimir Gorodetski, Russia	
Michael Luck, UK 	
Vladimir Marik, Czech Republic
Jorg Muller, Germany 	
Edward Nawarecki, Poland
Michal Pechoucek, Czech Republic
Paolo Petta, Austria 	
Laszlo Z. Varga, Hungary 	
CEEMAS'05 Co-chairs:
General chair: 	László Z. Varga, Hungary
Programme co-chair: 	Michal Pechoucek, Czech Republic
Programme co-chair: 	Paolo Petta, Austria
Tutorials chair: 	Andrea Omicini, Italy
Industrial, demonstrations track chair: 	Gabor Tatai, Hungary
Posters chair: 	Katalin Bognar, Hungary
CEEMAS'05 Programme Committee:
Stanislaw Ambroszkiewicz, Poland
Magnus Boman, Sweden
Luis Botelho, Portugal
Monique Calisti, Switzerland
Cristiano Castelfranchi, Italy
Krzysztof Cetnarowicz, Poland
Helder Coelho, Portugal
Ulises Cortes, Spain
Frank Dignum, the Netherlands
Grzegorz Dobrowolski, Poland
Danail Dochev, Bulgaria
Edmund H. Durfee, USA
Shaheen Fatima, United Kingdom
Stephan Flake, Germany
Martyn Fletcher, United Kingdom
Roberto A. Flores, Italy
Matjaz Gams, Slovenia
Marie-Pierre Gleizes, France
Piotr Gmytrasiewicz, USA
Chihab Hanachi, France
Karin Hummel, Austria
Toru Ishida, Japan
Catholijn Jonker, the Netherlands
Matthias Klusch, Germany
Jiri Lazansky, Czech Republic
John-Jules Meyer, the Netherlands
Laszlo Monostori, Hungary
Luc Moreau, United Kingdom
Eugenio Oliveira, Portugal
Andrea Omicini, Italy
Mihaela Oprea, Romania
Sascha Ossowski, Spain
Marek Paralie, Slovakia
Radoslav Pavlov, Bulgaria
Jeremy Pitt, United Kingdom
Agostino Poggi, Italy
Stefan Poslad, United Kingdom
Omer Rana, United Kingdom
Alex Rogers, United Kingdom
Robert Schaefer, Poland
Onn Shehory, Israel
Carles Sierra, Spain
Alexander Smirnov, Russia
Olga Stipankova, Czech Republic
Niranjan Suri, USA
Simon Thompson, United Kingdom
Robert Tolksdorf, Germany
Chris van Aarts, the Netherlands
Wiebe van der Hoek, the Netherlands
Jozsef Vancza, Hungary
Rineke Verbrugge, the Netherlands
Filip Verhaeghe, Belgium
Herbert Wiklicky, United Kingdom
Steven Willmott, Spain
Franco Zambonelli, Italy	
CEEMAS'05 Local Organisers:
Local arrangements chair: 	Gusztav Hencsey, Hungary
Secretariat: 	Magdolna Zsivnovszki, Hungary


Magdolna Zsivnovszki
Conference Department,
Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
H-1111 Budapest, Kende u. 13-17.,
Phone: +36-1-209-6001, +36-1-279-6188
Fax: +36-1-386-9378
Email: ceemas05@conferences.hu
URL: www.ceemas.org/ceemas05

Received on Tuesday, 9 August 2005 12:20:20 UTC