Help with Owl rules


I am looking for some help with OWL and in particular a set of rules for:

I want to say in OWL that for:

Subject1 x:property Description_1
Description_1 x:property1 "ABC"
Description_1 x:property2 "DEF"
Description_1 x:property3 "GHI"

if this is given:

Description_1 x:property1 "ABC"
Description_1 x:property2 "DEF"
Description_1 x:property3 "GHI"

then it should be inferred that the above is given where x:property[1,2or3] make up the description of a single property of Subject1
ME foaf:mbox "XYZ"
ME X:size Description_1
DEscription_1 X:height "6'2"
Description_1 X:weight "120lbs"

can be inferred from:
ME foaf:mbox "XYZ"
ME X:height "6'2"
ME X:weight "120lbs"

I also want to know if it is possible if given: 
C1 dcterms:isPartOf C2 

are there rules on properties of C2 such that C1 inherits the properties?

Many thanks

Richard Lennox


Received on Monday, 31 May 2004 16:16:35 UTC