Re: OWL / deductive database logics

Hi Bob --

At 07:37 AM 5/15/04 -0700, you wrote:
>I think its a shame that OWL has forced things down a path that
>is incompatible with deductive database logics, and would like to see an 
>alternative growth path.

You may be interested in the following ....

It's called Internet Business Logic.  The commercial-sounding name 
notwithstanding, there is a theory foundation (refereed papers) and an 
implemented system (free for academic use).

It's live, online at , where you will also find 
some presentations and pointers to the papers.

In particular, the "Semantic Web Presentation" argues that (lightweight) 
English language processing. combined with heavyweight inferencing, is 
essential if anyone is to trust the SW with real world tasks.

The author- and user-interface for the system is simply a browser.  When 
needed, the system automatically generates and runs SQL queries and 
transactions over networked RDBMSs.  However, the language is more powerful 
than SQL -- e.g. it has safe recursion.

There are a number of ontology examples that you can view and run. 
(RDFQueryLangComparison1 might be a good one to start with.)  You can also 
write and run your own examples.

HTH.  Thanks in advance for comments.   -- Adrian

                                            INTERNET BUSINESS LOGIC


Dr. Adrian Walker
Reengineering LLC
PO Box 1412
CT 06011-1412 USA

Phone: USA 860 583 9677
Cell:    USA  860 830 2085
Fax:    USA  860 314 1029

Received on Saturday, 15 May 2004 16:07:26 UTC