Re: Universal Quantification

> :Quote2
>     a owl:Class ;
>     rdfs:subClassOf
> 	[ a owl:Restriction ;
> 	  owl:onProperty :effectivePeriod ;
> 	  owl:allValuesFrom :Duration
> 	] ;
>     rdfs:subClassOf
> 	[ a owl:Restriction ;
> 	  owl:onProperty :effectivePeriod ;
> 	  owl:someValuesFrom :Duration
> 	] .

Would you actually use an allValuesFrom and someValuesFrom for the same 
property in the same class axiom?  That seems contradictory to me.  
someValuesFrom doesn't preclude there being other values; allValuesFrom 

Received on Wednesday, 5 May 2004 19:00:30 UTC