Re: about OWL

> > [Linus Yeung]
> >  hasDepartment : Domain is University and Range is Department
> >  hasStudent      : Domain is Department and Range is Student

> [Benjamin Nowack]

> as far as I know, OWL does not support this kind of transitivity.
> You would need some kind of rule system to conclude
> (?U hasDepartment ?D) AND (?D hasStudent ?S) =3D> (?S belongsTo ?U)
> (an alternative would be to use a transitive property such as
> "hasMember" for both the relations between universities and 
> departments, and departments and students. then you could 
> use OWL's semantics to get the university of a student. but
> your properties would probably be too generic for other cases
> in your domain then..)

Yes, but you could do this:

   Make   hasDepartment a subProperty of hasMember
   Make   hasStudent a subProperty of hasMember
   Make   hasMember transitive
   Make   belongsTo the inverse of hasMember   

although perhaps "hasMember" is too reminiscent of set-theoretic
membership, which is of course not transitive.  

                                             -- Drew McDermott
                                                Yale University CS Dept.

Received on Tuesday, 2 March 2004 15:00:22 UTC