about OWL

Dear Sir,

i would like to ask how can the OWL present the following circumtances?

Suppose we want to define an ontology,

Class Descriptions : University, Department, Student
Object Property: hasDepartment, hasStudent
     hasDepartment : Domain is University and Range is Department
     hasStudent      : Domain is Department and Range is Student
Individual of University : HKU, UST, CHKU
Individual of Department : CS, Math
Individual of Student : Linus, Peter, David

so if HKU has CS and Math Department
       UST has CS Department
       CHKU has Math Department

and Peter is CS Department of HKU
      Linus is CS Department of UST
      David is Math Department of CHKU

then how can we present the individuals?
i found that i cannot present the which University is a student belonged to.

or am i doing a right thing for the ontology?

Best Regards

Received on Tuesday, 2 March 2004 02:11:30 UTC