Description logics: strange implication

I really need the help of the DL experts on that! Please forgive my "hybrid"
(OWL/DL) syntax...

Given a role R, a domain (cardinality) restriction on it: >=1R subClassOf D,
and a universal quantification say, F : R allValuesFrom C, I noticed
(throughout a whole night of experimentation) that the nearest common
ancestor of D and F becomes the Top concept.

Is anyone aware of that implication (I bet)? If so please provide an

Many thanks,

Dimitrios A. Koutsomitropoulos

Computer & Informatics Engineer
Postgraduate Researcher
High Performance Information Systems Laboratory

 work:  +30 2610 993805
 fax:    +30 2610 997706

Received on Tuesday, 13 July 2004 22:36:05 UTC