- From: DL04 <dl04@cs.concordia.ca>
- Date: Fri, 16 Jan 2004 16:15:12 -0500
- To: loom-forum@isi.edu, seweb-list@www1-c703.uibk.ac.at, aiia@di.unito.it, gulp@di.unipi.it, taboo@deis.unibo.it, cg@cs.uah.edu, dbitaly@dia.uniroma3.it, loginf@lat.inf.tu-dresden.de, www-rdf-logic@w3.org, kr@kr.org, aisb@cogs.sussex.ac.uk, dbworld@cs.wisc.edu, colibri@let.uu.nl, dl@dl.kr.org, i3world@tzi.de, standard-upper-ontology@ieee.org
CALL FOR PAPERS 2004 International Workshop on Description Logics - DL'04 homepage: http://www.cs.concordia.ca/dl04/ (Collocated with KR'04) Delta Whistler Resort Whistler, British Columbia, Canada June 6-8, 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ We invite submissions of technical papers of 8 pages and short position papers (for people that want to participate in the workshop without giving talks). Authors of accepted technical and position papers will be invited to participate in the workshop (participation will be by invitation only). Accepted technical papers will be included in the proceedings. The workshop proceedings will be distributed in paper form at the workshop, and will be made available electronically in the CEUR Workshop Proceedings (http://CEUR-WS.org/) series. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission deadline: March 1, 2004 Notification of acceptance: March 29, 2004 Camera ready papers due: April 19, 2004 DL'04 Workshop: June 6-8, 2004 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SCOPE We invite contributions on all aspects of Description Logics. Possible subjects include: * Foundations of Description Logics, including distinguishing features of Description Logics with respect to other formalisms, expressive power of Description Logics, decidability and complexity of reasoning, and novel inference problems and reasoning techniques for solving these problems. * Extensions of Description Logics, including, but not limited to, closed world reasoning, defaults, epistemic reasoning, temporal and spatial reasoning, procedural knowledge, and query languages. * Integration of Description Logics with other formalisms, such as object-oriented languages, constraint-based programming, logic programming, and rule-based systems. * Use of Description Logics in applications or areas such as natural language, planning, learning, databases, document management, semistructured data, ontology design, ontology languages, ontology engineering, semantic web, and grid computing. * Building systems based on Description Logics, with special emphasis on optimization and implementation techniques. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBMISSION DETAILS Interested parties are invited to submit a technical paper not exceeding 8 pages or a short position paper indicating interest in Description Logics and the workshop. Both kinds of submission should be formatted according to the guidelines to be found at http://www.cs.concordia.ca/dl04/cfp.html and must arrive by March 1, 2004. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PROGRAM COMMITTEE (in alphabetical order) Carlos Areces <http://www.loria.fr/~areces> INRIA Lorraine, France Diego Calvanese <http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~calvanese> Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" Enrico Franconi <http://www.inf.unibz.it/~franconi> Faculty of Computer Science Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Giuseppe De Giacomo <http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~degiacomo> Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica Universita di Roma "La Sapienza" Volker Haarslev <http://www.cs.concordia.ca/~haarslev/> Computer Science Department Concordia University Montreal, Quebec, Canada Ian Horrocks <http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~horrocks> Department of Computer Science University of Manchester Manchester, UK Ralf Kuesters <http://theory.stanford.edu/~kuesters/> Department of Computer Science Stanford University, CA, USA Carsten Lutz <http://lat.inf.tu-dresden.de/~clu/> Technical University Dresden Department of Computer Science Institute for Theoretical Computer Science Dresden, Germany Deborah L. McGuinness <http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/people/dlm/> Knowledge Systems Laboratory Stanford University, CA, USA Ralf Moeller <http://www.sts.tu-harburg.de/~r.f.moeller/> Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany Peter Patel-Schneider <http://www-db.research.bell-labs.com/user/pfps/> Network Data and Services Research Department Bell Laboratories Murray Hill, NJ, USA Ulrike Sattler <http://www.cs.man.ac.uk/~sattler/> Department of Computer Science University of Manchester Manchester, UK Grant Weddell <http://www.math.uwaterloo.ca/~gweddell/> Computer Science Department University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario, Canada Chris Welty <http://www.research.ibm.com/people/w/welty/> IBM Watson Research Center Hawthorne, NY, USA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ WORKSHOP ORGANIZERS Volker Haarslev <http://www.cs.concordia.ca/~haarslev/> Computer Science Department Concordia University, Montreal, Canada Ralf Moeller <http://www.sts.tu-harburg.de/~r.f.moeller/> Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, Germany ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Received on Friday, 16 January 2004 16:26:10 UTC