Re: Cross-ontologies reasoning

> [Jim Hendler]
> Jonathan - I was simply trying to provide some examples of 
> contradictions (Drew didn't consider my assertion of beliefs with 
> respect to Rush Limbaugh as a valid contradiction in a logical sense) 
> -- the examples below were meant to be simple examples of where 
> mapping is not difficult, but merging would be.

And darned good ones they are.

Actually, they would be even better if you could argue that there was
a compelling need to map between the component ontologies.  The
worldviews of the pro-life community and the abortion-rights community
might be so different that it would be difficult to find much one
would want to borrow from the other, that wouldn't be available

I'm not sure there's much to argue about here.  We'll just have to see
how different approaches work out.

                                             -- Drew

                                   -- Drew McDermott
                                      Yale Computer Science Department

Received on Friday, 2 January 2004 19:36:12 UTC