Fw: OWL, how do I...

[Repost from rdf-interest, perhaps this list is more appropriate.]

While writing a simple OWL ontology for describing some RDF data, I
stumbled over the following three issues:

1) How do I state that any 'Measurement' must be an integer and may have
one 'unit'?

  <foo> <rdf:type> <Foo>
  <foo> <length> <#_1>
  <#_1> <rdf:type> <Measurement>
  <#_1> <rdf:value> 42
  <#_1> <unit> <Meter>

2) How do I state that any statement with a 'length' property is
expected to have an author property?

  <rdf:Description rdf:about="urn:test:1">
    <length rdf:ID="#_1">42</length>

  <rdf:Description rdf:about="#_1">

3) What's the benefit of using owl:Thing instead of plain simple
rdf:Description for describing data?

Received on Monday, 9 February 2004 05:03:21 UTC