Re: Is this OWL Full or OWL DL ?

On 27.08.2004 12:02:56, Pierre-Antoine Champin wrote:
>I have a question for OWL experts. Is owl:sameAs considered as an object
>property in OWL DL?
well, I think it basically is (domain and range are owl:Thing and
datatype values don't really need owl:sameAs constructs), but afaik
it's not defined as such, so a validator should probably not assume
it to be an OP.

>More precisely, is the following ontology in OWL Lite/DL or OWL Full?
>  :p a owl:ObjectProperty .
>  :p owl:equivalentProperty owl:sameAs .
>I would have thougt it is OWL Full because owl:sameAs is no ordinary
>However, playing around with Pellet, I managed to build an ontology
>containing the above statements, which Pellet thought to be OWL Lite...
This should not be allowed in OWL Lite/DL as you are using an owl
property as an individual/object in a statement, which, I think, turns
your ont into the Full space. Did you try using manchester's owl 
validator [1]? I found it in another case (owl:imports) more precise
than pellet.


Benjamin Nowack

Kruppstr. 100
45145 Essen, Germany


> thanks in advance
>  Pierre-Antoine Champin

Received on Friday, 27 August 2004 13:27:04 UTC