RE:a question about reasoner

Is DLP a rule-based reasoner? Thanks all.

Best regards,
Zhu Bin

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Ian Horrocks
Sent: 2003Äê9ÔÂ11ÈÕ 6:49
To: Peter Crowther
Cc: Zhu Bin;
Subject: RE: a question about reasoner

On September 4, Peter Crowther writes:
> > From: Zhu Bin [] 
> >   Rule-based reasoner and tableaux-based reasoner, which is the 
> > better for the reasoning in ontology?
> They can do somewhat different things; you may even want to combine 
> them.  If you are looking at building a reasoner for OWL-DL, a 
> tableau-based reasoner would probably give the best combination of 
> functionality and performance.  If you are restricted to a rule-based 
> reasoner, OWL-Lite is designed to provide a good framework that is
> (supposedly) implementable using rules.

I would be interested to know the basis on which you make this last
statement - pointers to relevant literature would be particularly



Received on Thursday, 11 September 2003 09:12:23 UTC