Reasoning with datatype restriction predicates

In implementing a variation of an the idea from your "Reasoning with 
Datatype Groups" paper [1], I've a question:  is it necessary to assume 
that the constrained properties are also functional properties (i.e. having 
cardinality one)?

(I started out thinking that the answer was "yes".  Having finished 
assembling my question, I come to a view that the answer is "no", but that 
there may be some value to associating cardinality restrictions with 
datatype restrictions.)


Starting with the example from your paper, transcribed into Notation 3:

   :River a owl:Class ;
     [ a owlx:BinaryRelation ;
       owlx:onProperty1 :length_kilo ;
       owlx:onProperty2 :length_mile ;
       owlx:BinaryPredicate unit:kilosPerMile . ] .

(where unit:kilosPerMile names a predicate that imposes an appropriate 
relation between the values of the named properties.)

In the case of a river, it seems fairly "obvious" that it has a single 
value for length.  So:

    _:a a :River
      :length_kilo "20"^^unit:lengthInKilo
      :length_kilo "30"^^unit:lengthInKilo

would typically be understood to be an inconsistency, as would:

    _:a a :River
      :length_kilo "20"^^unit:lengthInKilo
      :length_kilo "22"^^unit:lengthInMile

But is this always the case?  Suppose we're talking about a (large) field, 
with properties :hasSideLength_kilos and :hasSideLength_miles

    _:b a :Field
      :hasSideLength_mile "20"^^unit:lengthInMile
      :hasSideLength_mile "30"^^unit:lengthInMile

could reasonably be talking about a field with at least two sides, from 
which we might infer (assuming a restriction on :field similar to that for 

    _:b a :Field
      :hasSideLength_kilo "32"^^unit:lengthInKilo
      :hasSideLength_kilo "48"^^unit:lengthInKilo

(or from the latter, deduce the former).

I had approached this work on the basis that if multiple values were 
supplied and found to be inconsistent, then that would lead to an inference 
of inconsistency.  But this suggests not.

The "teddy bear effect" has struck.  I now realize that I have made 
different assumptions when drafting test cases (e.g. [2]), and writing my 
code.  It seems there are three+ choices:

1. Assume that restrictions are applied to functional properties.  Then any 
set of property values that don't satisfy the relation are deemed to be 
inconsistent.  The :field case above suggests this may be an unnecessary 

2. Assume that restrictions are applied to properties without cardinality 
constraints.  Then property values that don't conform to the relation are 
simply taken as different instances of the properties, and no inconsistency 
arises.  Separate application of cardinality constraints may cause an 
inconsistency to be detected.

3. Allow the cardinality of the properties to be determined by the 
relation.  This seems messy, but would appear to allow common cases to be 
captured easily, and maybe allows for a more direct implementation.

4. (This is a variation of 3, but seems neater):  allow a cardinality to be 
imposed on the relation that defines a restriction;  i.e. limit the number 
of property-value-tuples that may be jointly true of a given 
instance.  Hmmm... This seems like a possible approach to unify handling of 
datatype reasoning with cardinality reasoning:  a restriction on just one 
property may be used to impose owl cardinality restrictions (as well as 
some value-range restrictions).

I find (4) to be very appealing... I shall reflect some more on it.




Graham Klyne
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Received on Thursday, 13 November 2003 08:56:14 UTC