- From: Drew McDermott <drew.mcdermott@yale.edu>
- Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2003 15:19:08 -0500 (EST)
- To: fellah@pcigeomatics.com
- Cc: www-rdf-logic@w3.org
[Stephane Fellah] I am interested to develop ontologies for Engineering mathematics. So far, the best model I have found is the one developed by KSL Stanford in OntoLingua (EngMath ontologies). Is anyone aware of some activities porting this ontologies in OWL ? No. The ontology has been developed in LISP and KIF ? Is it completely portable in OWL or do I need some extensions in OWL such as OWL Rule Language ? You need the OWL Rule Language, or, even better, an embedding of KiF in OWL. Our research group (http://cs-www.cs.yale.edu/homes/dvm/daml/) would be interested in using our DRS system to capture the engineering math ontology. DRS is a set of conventions (very similar to OWL Rules) for expressing an arbitrary logical language in RDF. It is described in our 2002 SWC paper (ftp://ftp.cs.yale.edu/pub/mcdermott/papers/McDermottDou02.pdf), which is a little out of date. The link to EngMath is at :http://www.ksl.stanford.edu/knowledge-sharing/papers/engmath.html. There are a fair number of broken pointers from that page. I don't know how important they were. If no activities is done for this, I think it may be useful to develop it as an open-source ontology. What would be the best approach to initiate such a project as open-source ? What do you mean by "open source" exactly? Accessible via CVS? Lots of people contributing to it? Or just publicly available? I assume that one could add to the ontology library at www.daml.org. Do other ontologies exist for engineering mathematics ? Someone else will have to answer this one. -- -- Drew McDermott Yale Computer Science Department
Received on Monday, 3 November 2003 15:19:24 UTC