Re: basicmkr.owl

This may validate but it does not mean what I think you intend it to, for

1) the object of an property given as the value of an _attribute_ is always
a literal string... in most cases I believe you intend these to be URIrefs
which should be indicated as

<foo:prop rdf:resource="#foo" />

rather than
<foo:bar foo:prop="foo" />

2) OWL has no concept of "mkr:similarTo" so although you can write this down
in OWL, OWL conformant software wouldn't have a clue as wether this is at
all 'similar' to "owl:sameAs" -- so I presume you are suggesting that MKR is
some type of extension to OWL Full? Which is fine ... I presume you have
software that can suck in some OWL ontologies as well as MKR statements and
do something interesting?


----- Original Message -----
From: Richard H. McCullough
To: Richard H. McCullough ; www-rdf-logic at W3C
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2003 7:30 PM
Subject: Re: basicmkr.owl

After several iterations, this version
passed the RDF Validator.

Dick McCullough
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;

Received on Sunday, 18 May 2003 13:59:51 UTC