Re: What's the difference? rdf:about, owl:sameIndividualAs

I agree with the spirit of Jimmy's remarks.
I would add the following to the "confusing" list:

From a user's point of view, I think it's preferable to use
only simple constructs like
    X  individualOf  Z
    Y  subClassOf   Z
where X,Y,Z are Qnames.

Dick McCullough
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jimmy Cerra" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, May 16, 2003 8:24 PM
Subject: What's the difference? rdf:about, owl:sameIndividualAs

> What's the difference between rdf:about and owl:sameIndividualAs?  They
> all seem to be used to define a resource.  Take the following example:
> <owl:Thing rdf:about="uri#foo" />
> That serialized RDF statement says that a resource, identified by
> "uri#foo", is an individual (as defined by OWL).  However, I could also
> say that a blank node that is identical to the resource identified by
> "uri#foo" is an individual:
> <owl:Thing>
> <owl:sameIndividualAs rdf:resource="uri#foo" />
> </owl:Thing>
> >From that statement, an agent should conclude that the resource
> identified by "uri#foo" has the same properties as that blank node.
> Since the blank node is an individual, then the resource identified by
> "uri#foo" must have the same properties - mainly that it is an
> individual.  So rdf:about and owl:sameIndividualAs can be used to
> identify a resource; the former by direct statements and the latter by
> inference.
> Is it really necessary to have two different ways of saying the same
> thing?  Perhaps so; then would it be advantageous to make the rdf:about
> attribute an actual property?  For example:
> <owl:Thing>
> <rdf:about>uri#foo</rdf:about>
> <rdf:about>uri#bar</rdf:about>
> </owl:Thing>
> or:
> <owl:Thing>
> <rdf:about rdf:resource="uri#foo" />
> <rdf:about rdf:resource="uri#bar" />
> </owl:Thing>
> as opposed to:
> <owl:Thing rdf:about="uri#foo">
> <owl:sameIndividualAs rdf:resource="uri#bar" />
> </owl:Thing>
> or:
> <owl:Thing>
> <owl:sameIndividualAs rdf:resource="uri#foo" />
> <owl:sameIndividualAs rdf:resource="uri#bar" />
> </owl:Thing>
> ???  
> --
> Jimmy Cerra
> ] "My mind is slipping away...
> ]  day by glorious day." - RAG III

Received on Saturday, 17 May 2003 05:56:39 UTC