create and simplify ontology lattice

The MKR script shown below will create & simplify an
ontology lattice, based on the RDF ontology definition.
The details of the algorithm are given in

The results for RDF and OWL are given in

# KEHOME/knowledge/applications/SemanticWeb/OWL/lattice.mkr
# May/10/2003

do print od "","<--  original OWL ontology lattice -->" done;
do read from owlRefB.rdf done;
Thing isc* ?;

do print od "","<--  simplify lattice -->" done;
do simplify lattice od Thing done;

do print od "","<--  simplified OWL ontology lattice -->" done;
Thing isc* ?;

! deletecomment od lattice.out to done;

Dick McCullough
knowledge := man do identify od existent done;
knowledge haspart proposition list;

Received on Sunday, 11 May 2003 05:32:21 UTC