Re: reasoning about properties in OWL

Jos de Bruijn wrote:
> Is it possible in OWL (and in which dialect) to reason about properties?
> And specifically properties that have a certain domain.

In RDFS, domain and range are purely intensional - you cannot infer domain/range
constraints, only state them. However, RDFS allows for a stronger iff semantics
[1] and I believe all OWL dialects assume this stronger semantics.

> Is it possible to make a statement like:
>   <rdfs:domain>
>      <owl:Class rdf:about="#Person"/>
>   </rdfs:domain>
> which would select all properties with a domain of Person?

Being picky that's not a statement but I assume you mean to specify a query
which is some form of triple pattern - "find everything with rdfs:domain
property value of Person". Pretty much all the RDF tools support such pattern
queries in in one form or another so I'd imagine that any that support RDFS with
the iff semantics will do this.

Certainly in Jena2 you can make such queries, using a direct RDF API or the RDQL
query language, and apply them to a inference model supporting the extended RDFS
semantics. This particular example is supported directly by a convenience method
that is part of the ontology API.



Received on Wednesday, 16 July 2003 05:18:28 UTC