Submission open: IJCAI'03 Workshop on Ontologies and Distributed Systems



IJCAI-03 Workshop on Ontologies and Distributed Systems
August 9th,  Acapulco Mexico


Instructions at:

Important Dates and Deadlines 

Deadline for the submission of papers: Month day, year. March 7th, 2003 
Notification of acceptance/rejection: March 21st, 2003 
Deadline for the receipt of camera-ready papers: May 23rd, 2003.


The main purpose of this workshop is two-fold:

1.  identify and discuss these new challenges as well as ways
towards solutions in terms of stable infrastructure, advanced
methods and professional tools.

2.  discuss unconventional new ideas to cope with the new
challenges that arise in distributed and weakly structured

The workshop should be seen as an opportunity for comparing and
discussing traditional and new methods for capturing, describing
and using semantics descriptions of certain domains and to try to
bridge gaps between the two where-ever necessary.

Fundamental Issues

One part of the workshop will be devoted to fundamental issues of
ontological research.As such it will not be devoted to a specific
application area, but will rather address more fundamental
questions. The topics of interests include but are not limited to 
the ones listed below:

- Ontology and Infrastructure
- Methods and Algorithms
- Tools and Systems

Advanced Issues

The second part of the workshop is devoted to less well explored
topics that have come into focus recently as a response to the
new problems we face when trying to use ontologies in a
heterogeneous distributed environments. These environments
include the use of ontologies in peer-to-peer and multi-agent
systems as well as the semantic web. A couple of additional
questions arise with respect to these environments. The topics of
interest include but are not limited to:

- Ontology Evolution
- Ontology Coordination
- Ontologies + Agent Systems

Beyond contributions to the mentioned topics we strongly
encourage work that tries to bridge the gap between traditional
methods and techniques of building, and using ontologies and new
approaches that have been developed in response of new

Organizing Committee

Fausto Giunchiglia 
Department of Information and Communication Technology University of Trento 
38050 Povo di Trento, ITALY 

Asuncion Gomez-Perez 
Facultad de Informatica Universidad Politecnica de Madrid 
Campus de Montegancedo, sn Boadilla del Monte, 28660, Spain 

Adam Pease 
1810 Embarcadero Rd, Palo Alto, CA, 94303, USA 

Heiner Stuckenschmidt (Chair) 
Artificial Intelligence Department, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 
De Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam, NL

York Sure 
Institut AIFB Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 
D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany 

Steven Willmott 
Languages and Systems Department Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya Barcelona, Spain 

Tentative Program Committee 

Troels Andreasen 
Paolo Bouquet 
Joost Breuker 
Stephen Cranefield 
Ian Dickinson 
Rose Dieng 
Jerome Euzenat
Martin Frank 
Fausto Giunchiglia 
Asuncion Gomez-Perez 
Nicola Guarino 
Siegfried Handschuh 
Frank van Harmelen 
Vipul Kashyap
Michel Klein 
Alexander Maedche 
Eduardo Mena 
Natasha Noy 
Dan O'Leary 
Borys Omelayenko 
Adam Pease 
Alun Preece 
Guus Schreiber
Luciano Serafini 
Steffen Staab 
Heiner Stuckenschmidt 
Gerd Stumme
York Sure 
Valentina Tamma 
Ingo Timm 
Mike Uschold
Ubbo Visser
Steve Willmot
Dr. Heiner Stuckenschmidt
AI Department, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
de Boelelaan 1081a, 1081 HV Amsterdam 
tel.: +31 20 44 47752
fax.: +31 20 44 47653
Be careful what you wish - It might come true !

Received on Thursday, 13 February 2003 11:25:36 UTC