Re: Cross-ontologies reasoning

>    [Jim Hendler]
>    I do think there are some nice doctoral theses to be done (and I'm
>    hiring students to do them) in automating more of the mapping (human
>    provides partial map, system extends it) within the sorts of 
> mappings
>    that OWL allows, but doing this by humans, using ontology tools, is
>    presently well within the state of the practice and easy to do ....
> [Drew McDermott]
> This I agree with.  The point is that once humans have figured out how
> two ontologies overlap, it isn't that hard to formalize the
> translation.  Automated tools can certainly help, and we've been
> developing some of them.

The DB world is facing this problem since many many years. Look at:

E. Rahm and Phil A. Bernstein, "A survey of approaches to automatic 
schema matching", VLDB Journal 10, 4 (Dec. 2001), at

The two most cited projects about that problem are the DIKE project (L. 
Palopoli, D. Saccà, G. Terracina, D. Ursino) 
( as a 
starting point) and the Phil Bernstein project at Microsoft.

Received on Saturday, 20 December 2003 07:38:37 UTC