Dealing with qualified expressions in DAML

The reference description of DAML seems to state that a Restriction may contain 
multiple qualified expressions.  This sounds like a very good idea, since it 
makes Restrictions a very powerful tool in defining complicated classes.  What I 
don't understand it how to reconcile the DAML syntax with the meathod of parsing 
it into triples.

Let's take this simple example where we define the number of outragous things to 
be found in the pockets of a cartoon character.

<daml:Class rdf:ID="CartoonCharacter">
      <daml:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasInPocket"/>
      <daml:hasClassQ rdf:resource="#Elephant"/>
      <daml:hasClassQ rdf:resource="#Dynamite"/>
      <daml:hasClassQ rdf:resource="#Anvil"/>

I would like to say that a "CartoonCharacter" can have as many as 2 Elephants, 4 
sticks of Dynamite, and 1 Anvil in her pockets and any given time, but I am not 
able to associate the hasClassQ tag with the maxCardinalityQ tag in any 
meaningful way.  We end up parsing this code into these triples (The following 
is based on the JENA parser, but it has been cleaned up for easier reading.):

CartoonCharacter, type, Class
CartoonCharacter, subClassOf, AnonClass_123
AnonClass_123, type, Restriction
AnonClass_123, onProperty, hasInPocket
AnonClass_123, hasClassQ, Elephant
AnonClass_123, hasClassQ, Dynamite
AnonClass_123, hasClassQ, Anvil
AnonClass_123, maxCardinalityQ, 2
AnonClass_123, maxCardinalityQ, 4
AnonClass_123, maxCardinalityQ, 1

Here you can plainly see that not only is the pairing of hasClassQ and 
maxCardinalityQ not specified in the DAML syntax, but it cannot show up in the 
model.  There's no way to pair the tags together without an alternative parsing 
method, becasue there is no entity to associate the class-cardinality pair with 
except for the Restriction's anonymous class.

As it is, the daml code above is valid.  The daml validator at has no problem with it.  To see the entire 
example go to
The triple model generated by the JENA parser can be seen at

It appears that one of the following must be true:

(a) one should not put more than one qualified expression into a restriction -in 
which case the DAML+OIL documentation should be modified to make this clear

(b) a parser is expected to rely on adjacency of  hasClassQ instances and
maxCardinalityQ instances to determine their pairings, and then to represent 
these pairings internally using additional anonymous classes - in which case 
JENA would need an update to reflect this

(c) additional syntax is needed in DAML+OIL to specify the pairings and JENA 
still needs an update to reflect this.

I'd appreciate clarification of which of the above is the right way to look at

Thank you very much,

Received on Tuesday, 17 September 2002 14:37:57 UTC