RDFS Storage


A while a go I enquired about possibilities to store DAML or rdfs in a database.  Although I had some very interesting replies (suggestions
about daml db and rdfssdb), I was wondering if it's possible to use an XML Database (like Oracle's XDB) to store rdfs documents or DAML documents.  As I read through the documentation of XDB, it uses the XML Schemas to make a Database design.  However if you use DAML theres several XML Schemas involved, so I have my doubts this would work.  Has anyone tried this before ? And is there a standard way of storing data from rdfs-documents in a database ?

Also on a different (less relevant) matter, query languages like RQL, RDQL and Daml query language seem to be quite widespread, but are there any standardised languages to edit an ontology ?

thanks very much for your replies,

Peter Soetens
VRT - Vlaamse Radio en Televisie
Free University of Brussels - IMEC

Received on Wednesday, 11 September 2002 09:46:22 UTC