Re: Mapping of DAML+OIL onto DB

DB conferences are plenty of proposals for persistent storage of XML
documents; for example, you could consider WebDB
( I'm sure you
can reuse most of the work for DAML+OIL, with the caveat (which I
believe holds for DAML-DB as well) that your query language will not
understand at all the semantics behind DAML+OIL structures. 
Welcome to the syntactic web :-)
-- e.

Enrico Franconi                     -
University of Manchester            -
Department of Computer Science      - Phone: +44 (161) 275 6170
Manchester M13 9PL, UK              - Fax:   +44 (161) 275 6204

Received on Friday, 29 March 2002 06:35:22 UTC