RE: properties as nodes etc.

At 07:28 PM 6/25/02 +0200, Danny Ayers wrote:

> >WHY is this perceived as a problem? What use is there in referring
> >to edges?
>[the cat] --[sat on]--> [the mat]
>                 |
>               [for]
>                 |
>                 V
>             [an hour]
>could currently be broken down something like :
>[sat on] --[subclass]--> [sat on for an hour]
>[the cat] --[sat on for an hour]--> [the mat]
>[sat on for an hour] --[cardinality]--> [1]
>but it seems less clunky to say :
>[sat on for an hour] --[instanceOf]--> [sat on]
>[the cat] --[sat on for an hour]--> [the mat]

Then if I say:

   [the dog] --[sat on for an hour]--> [the cat]

this is clearly another instance of [sat on for an hour].  I.e. we're back 
to where we started.


Graham Klyne

Received on Tuesday, 25 June 2002 16:19:50 UTC