Re: model-model mapping

Some work has been done in the topic map area, by mapping (for example)
HTML+DC to the topic map graph. The topic map graph could thus serve as
a "common denominator" for various syntaxes besides DC -- XML topic map
syntax itself, of course, NewsML, etc.



--- Danny Ayers <> wrote:
> Could anyone please point me in the direction of any work done on
> ways of
> mapping between different vocabularies, schemas and their models.
> There's
> obviously been a fair bit of work been done on things like mapping
> schema to XML schema or object models, but what I'm after is a more
> generic,
> 'meta' form of this. Terms like 'equivalentTo' would work in this
> context,
> but what would be really nice would be to find a whole RDF Schema in
> this
> space ;-)
> The particular application I have in mind only needs a narrow aspect
> of this
> : more or less one-to-one mapping between an arbitrary
> domain-specific graph
> based model (such as that of a hierarchical organisation) and a
> general-case
> graph (just nodes & arcs here), but the ability to map from one model
> to
> another enables the reasoning facilities (i.e. algorithms) of the
> second
> model to be applied to the first, which is an approach that strikes
> me as
> being ideal for SW work, but rather neglected (ok, this is something
> that is
> done a lot through the back door, e.g. using the Rete algorithm in
> Jess
> plugged into from Protege, but the mapping is, meta-speaking, usually
> hard-coded). If I do have to come up with my own RDFS, then it might
> as well
> be based on a reasonably general case (rather than the feeble
> attempts I've
> tried so far).
> Cheers,
> Danny.
> ---
> Danny Ayers
> <stuff> </stuff>

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