Re: Sintax question

you have to use the correct reference syntax
(see for example):

<Organization rdf:ID="CIA">
   <rdfs:comment>Centro de Inteligencia Artificial.</rdfs:comment>
   <subOrganization rdf:resource="#ITESM"/>

Hector Ceballos wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm using an DAML+OIL ontology for defining some instances. Instances are
> based on . I'm
> trying to make reference from one object to another in the definition. For
> example, organization CIA is subOrganization of ITESM. What i'm writing is:
> <University rdf:ID="ITESM">
>  <rdfs:comment>Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de
> Mty</rdfs:comment>
> </University>
> <Organization rdf:ID="CIA">
>  <rdfs:comment>Centro de Inteligencia Artificial.</rdfs:comment>
>  <subOrganization>"#ITESM"</subOrganization>
> </Organization>
> Is this wrong? how should I reference ITESM from CIA?
> Thanks in advance
> Hector G. Ceballos

Received on Tuesday, 19 February 2002 03:56:05 UTC