A Query Language Based on DAML

Here is yet another RDF query language. This one has a simple framework but
can handle very general queries by incorporating DAML class expressions.

This proposed design arose out of a need for a query language that could be
expressed in RDF and be implemented over various simple, conventional (i.e.
non-RDF) data sources.  But DAML lets it scale up to a fairly general query

A query is expressed in RDF.  It looks like this:

  <select rdf:resource="property1"/>
  <select rdf:resource="property2"/>
    <!-- body of a DAML class expression -->

Several queries and class expressions are combined into a composite request
like this:

   <daml:Class ID="class-expr1">
    <!-- body of a DAML class expression -->
    <!-- body of a Query, may reference above class-expr's -->

The full details are here: http://www.langdale.com.au/RDF/DAML-Query.html
and a DAML Ontology for it is here:
http://www.langdale.com.au/RDF/daml-query.rdf .

Its not implemented yet, so comments would be nice to hear even if they say
"this has already been done".


Arnold deVos
Langdale Consultants

Received on Saturday, 16 February 2002 01:49:17 UTC