On 2002-02-02 6:52, "ext Seth Russell" <> wrote:

> ...But why
> not just state that mapping with an actual triple?

Well, I think that the MT should be able to make clear
the fact that if you have a TDL pairing (lexical form
and datatype context) then you have an unambiguous
denotation for a single mapping between a lexical form
and a value (between a member of the lexical space of
the datatype and its corresponding single member of
the value space of the same datatype). So the extra
triple would be superfluous insofar as the interpretation
is concerned.

Thus, I don't see that such knowledge has to be explicit
in the graph.

This is a point of distinction, I think, between S and
TDL, in that S makes more components of the datatyping
machinery explicit in the graph than does TDL. TDL
leaves more for the MT to work out.


Patrick Stickler              Phone: +358 50 483 9453
Senior Research Scientist     Fax:   +358 7180 35409
Nokia Research Center         Email:

Received on Sunday, 3 February 2002 13:28:48 UTC