Re: Classes and predicates as first class objects

On Fri, 16 Aug 2002, Ian Horrocks wrote:

> Second point:
> The ability to treat classes/predicates as arguments to other
> predicates is of secondary importance. The crucial thing with RDF is
> that it treats the vocabulary of the language itself as standard
> classes/predicates that can be arguments to other predicates. This is
> beyond the ability of almost all logics. It is relatively harmless for
> a language as weak as RDF, but causes fatal complications when more
> expressive power is added.

CycL reflectively represents its own syntactic forms.  For example:

(collectionIntersection CycLAtomicAssertion
       (TheSet CycLAssertion CycLAtomicSentence))

can be paraphrased by Cyc into English as:

A CycL atomic assertion is something that is member of each element of the
set containing Cyc assertion and CycL atomic sentence.

Note the use of functional notation (TheSet ..) in the second
argument position - which is a useful alternative to naming every possible
term explicitly.


Stephen L. Reed                  phone:  512.342.4036
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Received on Friday, 16 August 2002 12:30:41 UTC