- From: Deborah McGuinness <dlm@KSL.Stanford.EDU>
- Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 14:31:29 -0700
- To: Ian Horrocks <horrocks@cs.man.ac.uk>
- CC: "R.V.Guha" <guha@guha.com>, www-rdf-logic@w3.org
to support Ian's last statement that DLs are and have been used in a wide variety of applications and also because people had previously asked for some example applications, i include a paragraph from a message i sent a while ago on a related topic (full message available from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/www-rdf-logic/2001Feb/0044.html) This was just a list of some variety of applications of an earlier description logic - CLASSIC - but it shows applications with references in broad areas. "I have helped people use CLASSIC in a series of large applications; the largest and longest lived was a family of configurators called PROSE/QUESTAR [1]. This included 17 configurators, some of which were used for a decade. They were used by AT&T and Lucent. Other major application areas include data archeology [2], software discovery [3], query expansion [4], query answering [5], plan representation [6], knowledge based software engineering [7], and other domains. We also spent time considering the usability issues of the language [8,9]." Most if not all of these applications (and the application areas in general) benefited greatly from having the qualities that Ian refers to of reliable and efficient reasoning. Deborah [1] Deborah L. McGuinness and Jon Wright. ``An Industrial Strength Description Logic-based Configurator Platform''. IEEE Intelligent Systems, Vol. 13, No. 4, July/August 1998, pp. 69-77. ) [2] Ronald J. Brachman, Peter G. Selfridge, Loren G. Terveen, Boris Altman, Alex Borgida, Fern Halper, Thomas Kirk, Alan Lazar, Deborah L. McGuinness, Lori Alperin Resnick. ``Integrated Support for Data Archaeology.'' In International Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems, 2:2 1993, pages 159--185. [3] P. Devanbu, R.J. Brachman, P.G. Selfridge, B.W. Ballard: "LaSSIE: A knowledge-based software information system" Communications of the ACM, 34(5):35--49, May 1991. [4] Deborah L. McGuinness. ``Ontological Issues for Knowledge-Enhanced Search''. In the Proceedings of Formal Ontology in Information Systems, June 1998. Also in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, IOS-Press, Washington, DC, 1998. [5] Alon Y. Levy, Anand Rajaraman and Joann J. Ordille, ``Query Answering Algorithms for Information Agents'' Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI-96, Portland, Oregon, August, 1996. [6] P. Devanbu , D. Litman , CLASP - a plan representation and classification scheme for a software information System, Published in Artificial Intelligence , 1996 [7] P. Devanbu , M. Jones , The use of description logics in KBSE systems. Published in ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology , 1997 [8] Deborah L. McGuinness and Peter F. Patel-Schneider. ``Usability Issues in Knowledge Representation Systems''. In Proceedings of the Fifteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Madison, Wisconsin, July, 1998. This is an updated version of ``Usability Issues in Description Logic Systems'' published in Proceedings of International Workshop on Description Logics, Gif sur Yvette, (Paris), France, September, 1997. [9] Ronald J. Brachman, Alex Borgida, Deborah L. McGuinness, and Peter F. Patel-Schneider. "Reducing" CLASSIC to Practice: Knowledge Representation Theory Meets Reality. In Artificial Intelligence 114(1-2) pages 203-237, October Ian Horrocks wrote: > On August 14, R.V.Guha writes: > > > > > > Much of the debate around layering of OWL on top of RDF and RDFs boils > > down to whether the Semantic Web should treat classes and arc labels as > > first class objects, about which arbitrary new kinds of statements can > > be made. > > > > This is an important architectural choice which has to take into account > > results from systems that have been built. Looking at what was learnt > > from such systems would probably be productive ... > > > > RDF, which has been largely influenced by the experimental "scruffy" > > side of AI has gone the route of many experimental AI systems (starting > > from KRL, RLL, .... CycL) and incorporated these as first class objects. > > In my experience, and the experience of the builders of these systems, > > this has been a useful feature. Description Logics, which come from the > > more "neat" side of AI chose not to allow this ... > > > > Clearly, not allowing this feature buys description logics something. > > Ian, maybe you could explain exactly what this is and how it has been > > found useful in large DL systems that have been built? > > Work on DLs has resulted in the development of a family of logical > languages with precisely defined semantics and well understood > computational properties. They are (almost invariably) decidable > subsets of FOL and are closely related to propositional modal and > dynamic logics. For many of these languages, provably sound and > complete decision procedures have been devised. Several DL systems > have been based on optimised implementations of these algorithms, thus > providing users with reasoning services that are both reliable and > efficient. These systems are being used in a wide range of > applications, e.g., in medical-informatics, bio-informatics, chemical > engineering and geographical information systems. > > Ian > > > > > thanks, > > > > guha > > > > > > > > -- Deborah L. McGuinness Knowledge Systems Laboratory Gates Computer Science Building, 2A Room 241 Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-9020 email: dlm@ksl.stanford.edu URL: http://ksl.stanford.edu/people/dlm/index.html (voice) 650 723 9770 (stanford fax) 650 725 5850 (computer fax) 801 705 0941
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