- From: Jim Farrugia <jim@spatial.maine.edu>
- Date: Tue, 13 Aug 2002 11:18:14 -0400 (EDT)
- To: "Peter F. Patel-Schneider" <pfps@research.bell-labs.com>
- cc: www-rdf-logic@w3.org
Peter, The longer one. Thanks for your replies. Jim JF: > 3. is an inference based on the axiomatic semantics valid if and only if the inference is valid using the model-theoretic semantics, and how can this be shown? P P-S: The general idea is to define a logic (or representation formalism) in terms of a syntax and a model theory. Then one shows that aproof theory or axiomatization is sound (anything provable is an entailment) and/or complete (any entailment is provable) with respect to the model theory. JF: OK, let's see.... 1) what is the right way to get at the question whether the DAML+OIL axiomatic semantics "gives us the same thing" as the DAML+OIL model-theoretic semantics? Does it make sense to try to ask such a question, or is it a case of apples and oranges? On the one hand, the model-theoretic semantics says: "The semantics is specified via mappings from syntactic structures to constraints on semantic structures. ... A semantic structure <AD,IC,IO,IR> is a model for the DAML+OIL ontology if the constraints resulting from the mappings from the ontology are true in the structure." On the other hand, the axiomatic semantics says: "the logical theory produced by the mapping specified herein of a set of such descriptions is logically equivalent to the intended meaning of that set of descriptions." These are the two notions I'm trying to harmonize. They both seem to be saying, "OK, let's first agree on the syntactic constructions we are using." Then, ... The model-theoretic semantics seems to say, "Any structure in which the specified semantic constraints hold true has captured the meaning of our language. In effect, we define the semantics associated with the syntactic elements of our language by creating mappings from these syntactic elements to set-theoretical structures and then saying that language statements (once they undergo the appropriate mapping and are considered as saying something about the set-theoretic structure) that result true in these structures define the meaning of the syntactic constructs used in the language statements." The axiomatic semantics seems to be saying, "We believe that our axioms and any inferences you can draw from them are a faithful rendering of what we intend should be the meaning of our syntactic constructs." So, both kinds of semantics set up conditions that constrain the sanctioned meanings of the syntactic constructs. The model-theoretic account specifies meanings through a collection of mappings from syntactic constructs into a set-theoretic structure and associated satisfaction relations for that structure, declaring that any structure following these mappings and evaluating satisfaction in the specified way defines the semantics of the language. The axiomatic account seems more open ended in that it seems to say: (after we translate the language to a particular logic), if the syntactic elements obey all the axioms we lay out, then the semantics of the language is defined by what is claimed by these axioms and whatever can be inferred from these axioms. Is this account accurate/plausible? How would you change it? And the question remains: how we can know that the two formulations "give us the same thing"? If the axioms and inferences of the axiomatic semantics hold true in the models of the model-theoretic semantics? ???
Received on Tuesday, 13 August 2002 11:25:50 UTC